Sun x Reader fluff

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Y/N hated this, They hated everything from the obnoxious laughter of all the children to the booming music throughout the entire building. The only reason they were here was because their little sibling was having a birthday party and their parents gave them no choice.

'Its their special day!'

'They only turn this age once!'

'Could you think about someone else for once?'

Those words made Y/N sick. Y/N looked down at their phone, there was still atleast an hour and a half of this party. "Are you fucking serious..." Y/N spoke under their breath. Y/N eventually had enough of all the loud noise and walked off to the bathroom. They were so upset so they called up the only person who would undertsand them, their friend F/N.

"God dammit F/N dont do this to me now..." Y/N scowled under their breath. F/N didnt pick up. They called again. F/N still didnt pick up. Y/N took a deep breath to calm their nerves. "Okay...third times the charm..." Y/N forced a smile before calling again.

F/N still didnt pick up.

"FUCKING DAMMIT!!" Y/N shouted and slammed their hands on the sink, then immediately went silent, hoping no one had heard them. Luckily, due to the joyful children running around. Y/N sighed of relief before splashing some cold water on their face before going back outside. It seemed their effort was fruitless because they still were upset at the obnoxious noises of the building.

"Y/N could you stop being so difficult!? Not everything has to be about you! This is your  little siblings birthday party, so can you please stop crying for attention and put on a smile for them!?" Y/N's mom scolded, This was the last straw for Y/N.

"Smile on deez nuts." Y/N looked their mom up and down before turning their back to their mother and storming off.

Y/N walked away from the concert area, their heart pounding with anger and their hands in fist. Their anger only seemed to cool down the more they got away from the loud children and even louder music.

They approached what looked like a daycare center, the main way of entry being a long slide that goes to a very colorful ballpit. "Eh, Fuck it." Y/N sat down infront of the slide then scooted forwards, their bottom heating up from the friction as they accelerated down the slide. "SHIT-" They cursed as they fell into the ballpit.

Y/N couldn't help but smile as they rested in the pool of colorful plastic orbs. It brought back very warm memories of their distant childhood.

"Aha! Who's there? A new friend?"

Y/N looked up at what...or rather who....said that. None other than their favorite animatronic, Sun, or as they called him, Sundrop. Sundrop had a large smile on his face as he did a elegant double backflip into the ballpit, then disappeared under the  balls. "The hell!?" Y/N panicked a bit as he moved under the balls towards her, like a shark in a horror movie. Y/N was about to crawl out, but then Sun picked them up and looked at them real upclose and personal. "Hmmm, You seem a little old to be in the daycare..." Sun looked Y/N in their eyes. "Oh yeah yeah, I know, im too old to have any fuckin fun apparently." Y/N snapped at him. "WHAAAAA? I didn't say all of that, now did i?" Sun had a sorrowful look on his face. "Whatever." Y/N shoved Sun away as they stormed off into the jungle gym like structures.

Sun had a deep pit in his stomach, but this time it didnt feel like a technical error, if anything it was the feeling of sadness he gets whenever a child is upset near him. He couldn't let a guest be unhappy afterall, so He followed them. Y/N was curled up in a corner of the jungle gym, too upset to express their feelings through words, so they just started crying quietly, their hands in fist. "Hey hey...Whats the matter, Kid?" Sun raised his eyebrow. "I...i just hate today...everything about it just fuckin sucks.." Y/N forced a chuckle and wiped their tears with their sleeve. "Why?" Sun sat down next to them. "My little sibling is having a birthday today...and dont get me wrong I love em and all, but the loud noises...i hate them...and i tried to call my friend 3 times to help calm me down but they didnt pick up..i have no one who will just listen..." Y/N rested their head on Suns shoulder. " have me!" Sun gave Y/N a friendly smile.

"You're just a wouldnt understand.." Y/N shook their head. "Hm..." Sun frowned in confusion, then picked Y/N up over his shoulder. "HEY-" Y/N was caught off guard by this. "Im gunna make sure you leave this place with a smile on your face, and im not taking no for an answer!" Sun smiled before jumping down from the colorful play structure and skipping his way out. "The fuck are you doin'?" Y/N seemed more confused than upset.

"What game do you like to play, Kiddo?" Sun ignored their question. "Uh...i guess...I like that capture the flag like game? Yknow the one with the blasters?" Y/N awkwardly smiled. "Ohhhhh! I know just the one you're talking about!" Sun smiled as he went over to the area Y/N had just described.

Sun put Y/N down and picked up a blaster, then smiled at Y/N as they did the same. "You ready?" Y/N raised their eyebrow at Sun. "Only if you are!" Sun smiled brightly. "Good, then lets go!" Y/N grabbed his hand and ran inside the maze like area. Y/N laughed as they blasted the 'enemy bots' with their laser. Sun was glad they could finally see Y/N smile for once.

"Woo!!! We did it! We totally kicked their asses!" Y/N celebrated their victory and high fived Sun. "We absolutely did!" Sun laughed with Y/N. "Wanna do it again?" Sun raised an eyebrow. "Uhm...Im actually kinda tired from running around so much, you think we can sit down somewhere for a bit and have a drink?" Y/N panted heavily. "Well You can, I cant, yknow because if liquid gets into my wires and circuits I can stop working and then ill need a repair and-" Sun was going to keep ranting until Y/N cut them off. "Okay okay, i get it, you're a robot?" Y/N chuckled before walking off to Music mans area.

Y/N sat down trying to catch their breath as Sun went a got them a can of faz fizz. "Thanks." Y/N took a sip of the soda. "No problem, Kid!" Sun smiled and sat next to them again. Those two chatted together for a while, Sun got so happy that Y/N wasnt upset anymore. Eventually, Mid conversation, Music Man started to play some appropriately volumed dance music. It was fun and lively. Sun started to bop his head to the rhythm, As did Y/N. "You feel like you have enough energy to dance?" Sun said in a teasing tone. "You bet your sweet ass i do!" Y/N got up with Sun and did nearly every dance they knew that went with the beat, they even taught eachother a few new dances.

It was great to have fun..
It was great to be carefree..
It was great to be a kid again...

[1297 words]
[Im so sorry this took so long pls forgive me if this isnt exactly what you hoped it would be]

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