Sun and Moon x Reader Smutt/Lemon

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"Y/N, You're needed in the daycare, Some kids were messing with the power, some areas are dark and some are brightly lit, Handle it." Vanessa said to Y/N, as nonchalant as ever, most people assumed Vanessa was upset, but if we're being completely honest, she was just tired of this job. "Sigh, Again? Ok, I'll go check it out." Y/N huffed and walked their way over to the daycare. The sound of their footsteps filling the eerie quiteness of the hallways.

Y/N observed the each light of the daycare, and just as Vanessa said, some were lit and others were dim. Some were even completely out, most likely having blown a fuse. "Maaaan, This broke ass dingy ass company...cant afford some good fucking lighting but they can afford all these LEDs and animatronics and shit. Make a fucking repairment bot or something..." Y/N grumbled under their breath as they opened the fuse box, or rather the 'Faz-Fuse Box™️' and tested out each of the switches. It was only then when they realized one of the four fuses were missing. The daycare needed quite a few fuses because it was a large grand room and took up a great deal of electricity, especially just to light it. Y/N patted down their pockets just to realize that they didnt even have a singular fuse on them at the moment and uttered one word to communicate their frustration.


Y/N let out a groan of annoyance and partially face palmed, pinching the bridge of their nose between their thumb and index finger, taking deep breaths in and out to slightly calm themself down. "This is some bull sh-" Y/N was abruptly cut off by a scurrying noise and simply stood as still as a statue, not making any movements at all, they didn't even breathe. They only did this to ensure that they weren't simply hearing things, not because they were scared still or anything. The scurrying noise then occured again, This time Y/N wasted no time at all to get the hell out of the daycare.

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Monty shouted from his room, most likely in rage or pure pride, Roxanne was going to do the same until Y/N interrupted. "Shut your big body barney ass up! DAMN!" Y/N scowled as their head began to slightly pound, feeling like a minor headache if anything. "BI-" Monty got quickly agitated. "Boy, I will disassemble your ass so fast, dont play with me right now." Y/N glared. "Im sorry." Monty cleared his throat and politely apologize. "Mhm." Y/N groaned as walked their way all the way over to the employees only maintenance room.

Y/N sighed as they opened the door to the maintenance room and rummaged through the boxes. This little room only had one janky light bulb in it like some sort of janitor closet. "Are you serious? This shit-hole has top-of-the-line AI for these fucking tin-cans and can build some sort of super mall play area for a bunch of snot nosed brats but Fuckboy Entertainment cant afford a decent fucking light!?" Y/N grumbled as they mindlessly waved their arm around, hoping to reach either the cardboard box full of fuses or atleast the string to turn on the light. In their persuit, They accidentally knocked a box off a shelf and it ended up striking them right on the head, nearly like instant karma. They were speaking ill onto the Fazbear Entertainment company and got injured doing so. "MOTHERFUCK-" Y/N clenched their jaw in pain while putting both hands on their currently throbbing head wound, It would definitely be bruised now. Y/N blinked a couple times before looking into the box that fell. It was a box of fuses! Y/N quickly grabbed four of the fuses from the box and jogged their way back to the daycare, not caring who or what else could've used or needed their assistance.

MapBots being murdered by Monty? They got like dozens of those. Chica eating literal garbage and clogging her mechanical parts? That's not Y/N's job, that's the Mechanic's job. Roxy is quite literally missing her eyes? Again, Not Y/N's job.

Y/N power-walked all the way back to that fuse box and replaced all of the fuses, but as they screwed in the last fuse, they noticed it wasn't as brightly lit as the others. Y/N took a deep breath and simply tried again, even pulling the fuse out and roughly shaking it, hitting it, or blowing on it like an old Nintendo cartridge.

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