[A/N] I want yall opinion

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Hi, first off, HAPPY 2023! I can't believe I actually still care and check up on this book after its been like wha...2 years? That's a long ass time. I'm glad there are still people taking joy in my writing. I also think this fic truly helped me become a better writer kinda. I hope you can tell how much I progressed in my writing from the first page I published from my recent one.

Now I know yall see the title of this page, and yes I want your opinion.

When I first wrote this book, It was very rushed and I just wanted to write my smutt about screwing freddy in the charging chamber. I didn't put effort into the title, cover, nothing.

This has bugged me for a little while because I do truly want my fic to stand out a little and not just be the regular run of the mill fic. The problem is, Im not sure if this as big of a problem as Im making it out to be.

Therefore, I have two questions.

1, Should I change the cover/title?

2. If i do change the title, What should it be? Yeah, I'm taking suggestions.

-Much Love, WitheringAshes

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2023 ⏰

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