~ apprentice ~

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  The one shot is an au, were dream takes Tommy under his wing  and takes Tommy to help him blow up lamanburg

TW: Character violence,blood,death,manipulation and a little abuse. 


    Dreams hair danced in the rapid wind.  "You ready to teach those fools a lesson?"  "I.." "Mhmh?"  Dream turned to him, the creepy smile mask staring into his soul. "I-I dont know- i dont know if this is- is right"  "Dont back now Tommy! they dont care about you used you! Were getting revenge for you, all of this is for you and your just gunna back out? Were friends right?" Dream yelled slaping the blond boy. Tommy stepped back before nodding.  "Good then you'll fight for not only yourself but for me"  Dream spat. "o-of course" Dream turned away satisfied with the answer.  "Good.. And you know I hate it when you stutter."  "Sorry Dream" "forgiven for now."  Dream turned and began to walk towards the water stream witch led to the giant obsidian puzzle in the sky. Tommy quickly followed him like a puppy following its master.  As the reached the top and walked along the narrow but steady ground, Tommy took note of all the TNT set up next to dispensers and redstone and pistons. Tommy wasn't aware Dream was this good with redstone, Tommy didn't even know how this thing was supposed to work. Dream smirked at the sight of Tommy curiously examing the mechanism. "You want to set off the first one?"  The smug tone of his voice scared Tommy a little. "uh-" He hadn't realized dream was Watching him.  "Oh come on, its simple. you just push the button and the TNT starts to fall."  Dream continued to nuge him to do it. "For me? for freedom? for revenge?"  Dream voiced echoed in his mind before nodding and walking over to the button. Tommy hestently stood over the button and lamanburg. He could hear Wilburs whispers from the past "Lets be the bad guys Tommy"  Tommy took a deep breath "I guess you were right Wilbur. It was never ment to be"   With that Tommy pushed the button as the TNT began to generate and fall, exploding onto the chaotic Lamanburg.  

   Dream smirk grew wider as Tommy and himself watched the TNT explode onto the town. "Good boy" Dream spoke in a soothing tone As he walked behind Tommy. He place his hand on Tommys shoulder, Tommy flinched at the touch but quickly eased into it. Alone on exile he rarely had a comforting touch, and Dream had tought him the importance of touch. But it was still something that he lacked. Dream rubbed circles with his thumb as a sort of reward for obeying him, It quickly caused Tommy to relax.  The two watched the cilvians fight whiters and Techno giant pack of wolves. "I want you go down there and kill the president" Dream said in a creepy. tone as he removed his hand from Tommy shoulder. Before Tommy could say anything he felt Dream lean close to his ear and whisper. "Think about what hes done to you, how he used you, picked a nation of you, his best friend? or were you never even a friend to him"  Tommy nodded  as Dream stepped away.  "I-I  will kill him" Tommy spat.  "Good~"  Tommy turned to leave but dream stoped him. "Youll need this"  Dream handed him a mask, one simular to his smiley one. the only difference being the frown. "for me? really?" "of course, your with me now" "T-thank you Dream!" "your welcome, now. Go fetch me his head." Tommy nodded as he put on the frown mask and rushed into battle. 

Tubbo slashed the faces of wolves that came to close to him,He didn't know how much longer he could do this,  the wolves circled and occasionally jumped at him. But his mane threat was Techno witch was in this circle swinging his axe at Tubbo, His red eyes full of anger. Tubbo managed to block a major wing from techno with his sword. But Techno did not relive pressure he pushed with more force until Tubbo fell to the ground, Techno slammed his foot on the brunettes chest to hold him still as he raised his axe one more. "Techno please!-" Tubbo cried as he closed his eyes waiting for the finally blow to hit him. It never came when he opened his eyes he saw Techno turned talking to someone. ...who? The figure wore a red cape like dreams, a mask like dreams, and has a trident full of enchantments.   "Fine," Techno huffed as he got off Tubbo and charged off at other civilians. Tubbo sat up catching his breath as he studied to odd figure approaching him. "If your going to die,It will be me who kills you" The figure hissed, this was the apprentice Dream talked about? He was only a kid,around tubbos age. But their was something familiar to not only him but his voice. "Do I know you..?" Tubbo mumbled as he reached for his sword. "Not anymore" the red dream spat as he kicked tubbos sword away. Tubbo frowned and hesitantly stood in front of him. "Good bye mister president" The figure went to slice Tubbo open with the trident but hit his side instead as Tubbo ran up to him. As the trident his side he fel to the ground with the figures mask. He looked back up as the trident touched his neck keeping him down. "..Tommy?!" Tubbo burst into tears. "Your alive!- I'm so sorry!- what did dream do-" "Dream saved me" Tommy said angrily. "What..?" " Dream saved me from you" "no-no" "yes, yes. Now any last words before you die?" "Tommy stop! Please dream did somthing to you-he's used you!" "No- you did" Tommy was trying to convince himself that Tubbo was lying to save his own skin, but he could tell he was sorry, generally. How in ender is he supposed to kill his best friend, he's sorry, Dream is his freind, he'll understand.  "I-I" Tomm stuttered jumping through so many thoughts. He glanced up at where he and Dream stood. Dream wasn't there anymore. Where.. Tommy felt a hand on his shoulder. Of course..  "Tommy" Dream said appearing on his shoulder "Dream! What did you do to Tommy he looks terrib-" Tubbo was shut up but Tommy starting to pry the trident closer to his neck, "I don't know if I can do it Dream.." "I know, that's why I came to help.." Tommy gulped as Dream held Tommy's hands making him grip the trident. "Just like I taught you remember? He used you, lied to you, he doesn't want you.." Tommy slowly nodded as  Dream began to slowly pull the trident into Tubbos neck. "Tommy please-" "watch him beg, that's what you want, you want him dead."  "I- I do. You used me tubbo. You betrayed me.this is payback!" Tubbo suddenly hissed being snapped back. "No Tommy!- " Dream let go to Tommy's hands as Tommy sliced threw Tubbo neck. Tubbo shriek of pain made Tommy flinch back. " n-no-no I- he- you- tubbo.." Tommy began to sob. He fell to his knees in front of tubbo whispering sorrys. "Shh Tommy, you understand he deserves this, he would have stabbed you a hundred Times given the chance. Don't mourn him, do you understand?" Tommy tried to stop his crying as tubbo went limp.   He got to his feet and looked at Dream. "You understand?" Dream repeated in a more stern tone. "Yes" Tommy finally repeated with tears in his eyes, "oh poor thing~ look what he's done to you, it's hard to hate him when you constantly relive the good memory's huh?" Dream spoke softly as he bent down picking up Tommy's mask. He handed it to Tommy, the child quickly accepted it as a way to hide his emotions An buckled it around his head. "Dream, I don't know what to feel about tubbo.." "he plays with your mind Tommy, just forget him he's gone now." Dream said hugging Tommy "I'm your friend not him" "yeah.."

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