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"What if she says no," Chris asked as he paced back and forth in front of the couch. "She could say no, and then what?"

"Christopher, I love you, but it's just a 7th-grade dance. You're going to wear a hole into my rug. Charlotte is a very sweet girl. If you don't ask her soon, she's going to end up going with someone else."

"Okay, fine, I'm gonna do it," he walked out the front door and down the street to Charlotte's house. "I'm gonna do it. Come on ya meatball," he sighed as he shook the jitters out of his body. He moved to press the doorbell and quickly yanked his hand back before he could make contact. "Holy crap, it's cold," he thought aloud as a shiver ran up his back. Running out of his house in a rush of anxiety and adrenaline made him forget to grab a coat and the cold Massachusetts air was especially bitter. "Just do it, it's warm inside," he thought to himself as his lip started to quiver. He reached over and finally gave in and pushed the button. He could hear the doorbell ring throughout the house, and he rocked back and forth in place as he waited for someone to answer. The time went by excruciatingly slow as the seconds felt like years. He turned around to walk back home, his head hung in defeat when he heard the door unlock and he quickly whipped his head back around.

"Want to come in?" She asked laughing as she watched him rub his arms for warmth.

"Yes please," he quickly spat out as he nearly pushed past her to get inside. "Forgot my jacket, freezing."

"So, what's up? Want to watch a movie?" Charlotte asked as she poured a glass of milk into a mug and placed it into the microwave to heat up. "I'm not sure what's on right now, but we could always pop in a tape," she suggested as she pulled the warmed-up milk out of the microwave and stirred in a large scoop of hot chocolate powder. "Here," she said as she passed the mug to Chris. "Don't want you turning into an icicle," she smiled and slid the warm mug of hot chocolate across the table to him.

He gave her a grin and took a sip, "thank you," he said relieved, and quietly took another sip of his drink. He sat in silence with his hands wrapped around the mug to warm them up. He starred off into space, his eyes going out of focus as he continued to warm up and avoid speaking.

"Earth to Chris," she joked as she waved a hand in front of his face and sat down in the chair next to him at the kitchen table.

His eyes snapped back into focus as his head turned towards her. "Do you want to go outside?" He asked in a panic, his nerves taking over again.

"What?" She looked at him like he was crazy. "Didn't you just come from outside? Besides, it's freezing, you don't even have a coat. Are you okay?" She looked over at Chris who looked to be about 6 shades of green. "I haven't seen you this nervous since the time you had to audition for the 6th-grade play and then when Traci asked you to be her...Chris, are you trying to ask me something?" Charlotte asked as her cheeks blushed and her blue eyes sparkled.

"Are your parents' home?" Chris asked in a panic.

"No?" Charlotte answered him, raising an eyebrow at his question. 

"Great!" Chris exclaimed as he ran off to the bathroom and slammed the door behind himself.

"Chris," Charlotte sounded worried as she called out from down the hall. "Are you okay? Should I go call your mom?"

"No God no, don't call my mom. Shit, this is so embarrassing," he said as he looked at himself in the mirror. He was a wreck. How did she pick up so quickly on the situation? He flushed the toilet even though he didn't use it and turned on the sink to 'wash' his hands, quickly splashing some of the water on his hands and splashing it on this face. "Char?"

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