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"I'll pick you up after practice," Chris said as he walked Charlotte down the halls of the high school towards the gym locker room. "You sure you just don't want to skip?" Chris asked as he kissed her again with a sly wink.

"You wish. I don't know why they have to schedule dance competitions for over break, but tonight is a short practice. I'll be done by five," she said as she reached over and intertwined her fingers with his.

"You think you'll be ready for dinner by 7?"

Charlotte raised an eyebrow as she looked over at him. "Excuse me?"

"I didn't forget, I'm a good boyfriend," he said as he kissed her again. "6 months, right?" Chris asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"This has been the longest 4 years of my life," she smiled and kissed him once more.

"High school?"

"Christopher!" She said as she swatted him on the chest as they reached their destination. "I have to go get stuff set up, yay captain life!" She said as she placed her hand on the pull handle of the locker room door. "5!" She reminded him as she gave him one last kiss and opened the door to go inside.

"Charlotte," Chris smiled as she turned around last time, "Love you."

"Love you," she said as the door closed behind her.

Charlotte stood outside in the parking lot as she checked the time on her phone. "5:10," she sighed as she flipped it open and began to press the buttons to dial the familiar number, Chris's car pulled up next to her. "You're late," she said as she opened the back door and tossed her gym bag and backpack inside, before opening the front door and climbing in.

"Flowers?" Chris held up a small bouquet. "Sorry, I got distracted, do you know how hard it is to find lilies in winter in Boston?"

"Can't help it," Charlotte said as she smiled and smelled them. She leaned over the center console and planted a quick kiss on Chris's cheek. "Now, take me home so I can change. I have a date with a hot guy tonight."

Chris moved the transmission into drive and quickly made his way back to the neighborhood he shared with Charlotte. The drive from school to home was rather quick since there was not nearly as much traffic with school having let out over an hour ago and traffic from the city had yet to hit the suburbs. They soon found themselves in the empty driveway of Charlotte's house. Chris turned off the car and got Charlotte's bags out of the backseat.

"Thanks," she said as she grabbed her gym bag out and pulled out the key to the front door of her house. She unlocked the door, walked inside, and tossed her bags down next to the front door. Chris quickly followed her inside and shut the door behind him.

"Hi Mrs. Anders-," Chris announced before he was cut off by Charlotte jumping on him and wrapping her legs around his waist, knocking his back up against the front door in the process.

"They're in Boston for the night," Charlotte said as she crashed her mouth onto his.

"Really?" Chris asked in between kisses as he tried to maneuver through the house while still carrying Charlotte in front of him. Considering the Anderson house had practically been a second home to him since he had become friends with Charlotte, navigating to the living room couch was a simple task. Chris fell backward on the couch with Charlotte still on top of him, their lips never breaking away from each other. He ran his fingers through her hair, pulling her face somehow closer to his.

Charlotte's heart was pounding as she slowly reached between both of them and let her hands roam down Chris's shirt. As she reached the bottom hem, she slid her hands under the fabric, feeling his warm skin turn to goosebumps at her touch. The feeling caused Chris to jump and pull away slightly from Charlotte, resting his forehead on hers. "Charlie, not here," Chris sighed as he searched her eyes.

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