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Colby led the way into the basement with Sam recording behind him, something telling Savannah that tonight wasn't going to go well as she stepped onto the first wooden step.

The basement was casted in a dark shadow despite the large flash light atop of Sam's camera. The median's dark eyes explored the room that the torch lit up, children's toys placed on the stone next to Scott.

Not even 5 minutes in and the KT device that Colby was holding began to go crazy, a knot forming in Savannah's stomach. She could feel the various different emotions that were trapped in this room, after all it was a morgue.

The youtube duo stood surprised as Sam accused Josh of breathing on his neck, Scott then confirming that he heard voices coming from the darkened corner beside him.

They set up their paranormal devices, Seth demonstrating to Sam and Colby what their music box did and how it detected things. Savannah then holding up the rem-pod which Josh had handed her earlier.

"This is kinda the same thing, only difference is you actually have to touch it to make it go off" She explained, touching the top of it with her fingertips.

"Should we maybe put these in walk-ways or something like that?" Colby asked, leaning over the woman and examining the device. Glancing at her quickly with a small smirk.

As Josh set the music box by the morgue, both devices suddenly began to make noise. Only stopping once Scott politely asked them to, Savannah detecting a friendly spirit in the room.

She watched Sam go into the morgue to show his viewers and explain a little bit about its story. His partner still stood relatively close to her, his knuckle grazing the fabric covering her thigh as he fiddled with his rings. His rings were hot.

"Do I make you nervous or is it the ghosts?" He whispered, leaning to the side slightly so she could here him.

"Well would you be so calm in a situation like this?" She returned, this time catching him smile at her attitude.

"Clearly I have more experience than you" He spoke in a cocky tone, Savannah having way to much emotions swimming around in her head to have to deal with the ones he made her feel.

Scott began talking to one of his spirit friends asking them to come and speak to the group, maybe answer a few questions when suddenly the rem-pod started going off beside him.

"Tj is that you?" He asked, receiving no answer in return. "Are you not Tj?" he asked, the noise shutting off once he finished his sentence.

Scott then explained that this Tj was a veteran who fought in the Vietnam war and he once worked in the building when it was a bar. They had made contact with him before and found out he spent most of his time in the basement, people even leaving gifts for the spirits which Savannah found sweet.

"If there's anybody here we'd love to talk to you" Sam spoke up, everyone staying extremely quiet waiting on some sort of sign. One of the devices, a noise anything.

They were beginning to give up when the device that Scott had set up began flashing green. It was a perfect time to get out the EVP since they now knew someone was with them.

"Tj are you down here?" Josh started off asking.

"Is there anything here that wants to talk to us?" Colby added in his deep, attractive voice that Savannah couldn't help skip a heart beat every time she heard it.

"How many spirits are down here with us?" Seth asked robotically.

"Would you consider yourself good or evil?" Sam asked.

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