[Daycare trouble]

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You went in without hesitation, you reached the bottom and it had a huge ball pit you didn't feel so sad anymore knowing that you can relax in a sea of colorful balls and you can play on the play structures too, you had a blast you were playing and running around in the ball pit but then you saw something on the balcony above the ball pit it jumped in and you were terrified you were looking for a safe way to get out but then it grabbed you and lifted you up into the air you were freaking out while it was talking to you.

"New friend what are you doing here you should be at the show silly!"

It was very excited but confused at the same it put you down and started talking.

"We can finger paint, drink fizzy-faz until our heads exPLODE!"

You looked at it and you recognized it immediately you saw a poster of the animatronic earlier it was called "Sunnydrop" it had a head that was the shape of a sun and it had clothes that resembled a jester but before you could continue to examine the animatronic you heard Evan.

"Hey what are you doing here this place is for little kids you know!"

"Oh so what!?"
You said in an irritated tone.

"That's it I'm coming down!"

He went down the slide and fell into the ball pit while Jacob and Emily went down with him.

"We were looking all over for you!:

"Oh really you were looking for me, you guys are just using me as a free discount!:

"Hey hey calm down no fighting!:

"Pfft and what are you gonna do hug me until I stop!?"

"I said ... NO FIGHTING... "

The animatronic's voice didn't sound very nice and cuddly instead it was more hoarse and it was deeper but Evan ignored the warning and ran up to you and grabbed you by your shirt but then the animatronic grabbed him and gave him one more warning before he would be punished for his actions, Evan listened to the animatronic and let you be.

"Oh and also there is only one rule keep the lights on ... ON .. on ... "

You nod quickly and then you go to the ball pit to relax, Jacob and Emily stood still for a couple seconds trying to figure out what the heck just happened right in front of them when they're done staring at the floor they head off to the play structures to see if they can do anything besides sit around, Evan was walking around, probably trying to think of a way to scare you or something so he can get some payback, you on the other hand you were just playing in the ball pit meanwhile Sunnydrop was making sure that the place was nice and tidied up, you saw Evan went into one of the play structures you ignored him because he was probably just gonna throw you with stuff but then the lights went out.

"No no why would you do that!?
Lights on I warned you, I WARNED YOU!"

You then heard all sorts noises and screeches coming from the animatronic but then you heard a different voice.

"Naughty children ... naughty children must be PUNISHED!"

Sunnydrop's voice was more hoarse and deep you couldn't see anything and all you could do is sit in the ball pit and hope that nothing bad happens.

"Haha hope you like the dark Y/N!!"

You heard Evan yell at you and mock you but you stayed quiet just to be safe and to not get caught.

"I found you!"

Evan then screamed and ran away from the animatronic.

"Evan over here!"

You yelled at Evan to grab his attention, he then ran to where he heard your voice and got into the ball pit with you you then go underneath all of the balls in the ball pit to hide from the animatronic, Evan does the same.

While you and Evan waited for the animatronic to leave you, you heard it get in the ball pit with you, you were terrified and you had to be very quiet and you didn't move a muscle, you heard it leave the ball pit, you then got out of the ball pit but then it saw you, it saw you were frozen in fear and didn't move so it then started approaching you, you recognized the animatronic it was "Moondrop", you snapped out of your trance and then started running the animatronic was catching up to you and you were already out of breath.

'I knew I shouldn't of had such a big breakfast!'
You thought to yourself while running away from the animatronic.

You were almost at a safe place to hide but then you tripped and fell you looked behind and saw it's red eyes staring at you, it pinned you down and then started talking.

"You're a very naughty child ..."

You were moving around to get out of Moondrop's grip.

"Stop squirming around or I'll make your punishment worse"

You stopped moving around just to be safe you were looking around for something to try and use against Moondrop, but then he grabbed your face and made you look at him you then grabbed his arm.

He started to chuckle at your attempt to stop him.

You closed your eyes in fear and just gave up.

"Giving up already?"

You nodded, he then stopped pinning you down he got up and left you alone in the dark you sat there in fear of what he might do if he got back but then you heard Evan calling out your name you yelled his name out loud hoping you'll catch his attention he finally found you sitting alone in the dark he held onto your shirt and started leading you to the ball pit where it was safe but then Moondrop jumped right in front of you, you and Evan were terrified.

"Leaving so soon huh?"

"Leave us alone!"

"Oh how cute your protecting them"

"You know you are the reason why they're here ... EVAN ... "

You wanted to leave this place and go home but that wasn't going to be happening any time now all you could do was hope that Emily and Jacob find a way to turn on the lights.

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