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The following Monday Onika was sitting in her art major class. She was writing down key points for some of the historical artist they were learning about.

She was interrupted by the sudden presence of someone in her personal space. Onika didn't do well with the invasion of her personal space.

She tensed up.

"Psst. Nika." She heard and her nerves settled when she realized who it was. She bit her lip and glanced at Abel and the teacher who was still talking during their lecture.

"Y-Yeah?" She asked quietly. Abel always tried talking to her during art and Onika was actually kinda appreciative of it. It felt nice for someone to finally want to talk to her.

Abel treats her like she's normal, something Onika wasn't used to when she was a kid.

"Big grumpy Giraffes birthday was last week and we always wait a week or two to throw a party so she can't get mad at us." He confessed with a grin. Onika remembered Beyoncé saying that.

She let her smile break out at the nickname he gave her.

"I wanted to see if you wanted to come, we were gonna go to a arcade that also has laser tag because she loves knowing that she can beat us in children games. "He said with a huge smile.
Onika had been to an arcade, a state fair yeah but a dark large room with neon colored games? Never.

She thought about it for a few seconds.

"W-Why am I invited?" Onika asked genuinely curious. Onika always felt a little left out when she saw the group of friends joking around at work. She had never had that bond of friendship with anyone. She can tell Kelly's been trying to get her included but her shyness is a huge barrier for her.

Abel's smile dropped immediately. "Why not? You're cool. Don't tell me you're still scared of Beyoncé—or is it Robyn? They're both insane I swear. But they're really cool people when they're calm and relaxed. It's little harder to get through to Beyonce I'll admit that..." He said rubbing his stubble.

Onika always went into her shell at social events. She didn't know how she'd react to being around people. Her mind went back to a party her aunt forced her to go to when she was younger.

Short story, Onika left crying because the boys there wouldn't leave her alone. Even ended up breaking her glasses.

"I-I just—I don't know if I'd be fit for that.." Onika said looking down at her lap. Abel frowned more. "Onika I promise you—it'll be fun!" Abel exclaimed.

"Please? Pretty please? If you come I'll give you a major discount on the new premium paints. And by major discount I mean I'll give them to you for free." Hw said and Onika shook her head.

"I-I think that's illegal." Shw said and he rolled his eyes. "Fine I'll pay for them for you—just please come on. You'll have fun I promise." He said and Onika was still hesitant but Abel seemed like such a nice guy and Kelly was also nice to her—and y seemed funny—they seemed like a good group of friends.

"Fine I guess—I guess I'll go."Onika said quietly and Abel smiled at that and the fact the lecture was now over.

"Good! It's this Saturday—Well go right after work are you scheduled that day?" He asked packing up his things and Onika nodded.

"Cool then. I'll see you there!" Abel said before running out the lecture hall. Onika saw a glimpse of blonde curls and watched Beyonce and Abel talk outside the lecture hall just for Beyonce to peer in and look around for her.

Onika began packing her stuff up, she was nervous about this party roller skating thing. She sighed and slang her bag over her shoulder. She began walking out the lecture hall, she turned and bumped into Beyoncé again.

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