Book 1, chapter 9 (edited)

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He was huge, towering up to the height of the tavern, or fake shop or whatever the hell it was called. People started filing into the building.

Celestia noted that these people were dressed in the most bizarre clothing ever. They were most likely workers, here to assemble more fake cakes. After all, who would come here to eat? Unless they could eat plastic. Or whatever material the fake assortments were made out of.

The brute had enormous dark green eyes, and he wore loose light green overalls. He was bald and his feet were uncovered. Additionally, his ears were very pointy. It reminded Celestia of the elven stories her deceased mother used to tell her as a kid. However, this brute seemed to fall under the giant category, rather than the elf category.

"Give me your money!" he snarled, slobbering everywhere.

Ew...a few pieces landed on Celestia! Gross!

That's it, there was hell to pay! This goonbag would be the one to suffer from it!

And wonder he has no shoes on his feet. Probably can't afford them.

A tanned guy, with dark hair, and piercing blue eyes looked up from the stool that he was sitting on. He was very handsome. "Hey, leave the princess alone," he told the giant, coldly.

The giant just roared.

However, it momentarily became distracted by the fake cake display.

"You know me?" Celestia asked, shocked. "I thought that riff raffs didn't care."

"This riff raff has a name, princess," he responded, getting up and bowing. "And yes, if you must know, I have passed by your palace. Very grand, if I must say so myself. Built with the largest walls I've ever seen in my life. Makes for excellent protection."

"I know it does," Celestia snapped.

"Yet you're here unsheltered," he said, cocking his head to one side.

"Try anything and I'll feed your dismembered body to the giant," Celestia threatened.

"I wouldn't dream of it, princess," he said, winking.

The barman handed him a cake.

He bit into it.

"Bleh! This is plastic," he complained. "Waste of money."

Celestia snickered. "I'm guessing you're new here. Well, he warned me. Must be because of pretty privilege."

The guy walked closer to her.

"He warned you because you're a woman and he thinks you're attractive," he whispered into Celestia's ear. It sent shivers down her spine. Then he chuckled. "Yes, you are."

"I know I am," Celestia said, smirking. You are too! She wanted to say. But she didn't.

"Now, where were we? Oh yes, your kingdom's walls. Very hard to scale. Anyway, you're probably wondering how the bad guys got in and put their flags up," he uttered, stroking his chin.

"Wondering?" Celestia scoffed. "It was magic." Buffoon!

"Magic, something we wish we all had." He said, wistfully, and stared deep into her eyes. "Listen up half human, it was no magic that got those morons into your castle..."

He was so close to her, that they were practically body to body. So intimate.

Who does this guy think he is? Celestia wondered, mad. She backed up a little, and then pulled out her dagger.

"Well, what, or who, was it?" she threatened.

"You really want to know?" he asked, super close now. She could practically hear his breathing. He pushed her dagger down before responding. "Very well, it was your general."

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