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As Fury drove through the city he instructed his car computer to make a call.

"Activating communications encryption protocol," Fury's car said.

"Open secure line zero-four-zero-five," Fury ordered.


"This is Hill," Hill said.

"I need you here in D.C. Deep shadow conditions," Fury told her.

"Give me four hours."

"You have three, over." Fury stopped at a red traffic light. He looked over to the next car and saw the two police officers in the car look at him with suspicion. "Want to see my lease?" The policemen quickly sounded their police horn once before they started to drive off. As Fury went to drive off, another police car smashed into his car. His car was then surrounded by several other police cars crashing into him; inside his car Fury was injured.

"Fracture detected," Fury's car said. "Recommend anesthetic injection." As Fury was giving himself the injection, a SWAT team truck pulled up. "D.C. Metro Police dispatch shows no units in this area." Fury was surrounded by the police and SWAT team. He quickly realized they were all disguised mercenaries.

He said to his car computer, "Get me out of here!" The mercenaries suddenly started shooting at Fury's car.

"Propulsion systems offline."

"Then reboot, dammit!" The armor on Fury's vehicle started to become weaker, the mercenaries brought out a battering ram to break in.

"Warning! Window integrity compromised."

"You think? How long to propulsion?"

"Calculating." The mercenaries started to use the battering ram on Fury's car window. "Window Integrity thirty-one percent. Deploying countermeasures."

"Hold that order!" The battering ram was smashed against the car window again.

"Window Integrity nineteen percent. Offensive measures advised."

"Wait!" The battering ram was smashed against the window again.

"Window Integrity one percent."

"Now!" Suddenly, a mini-gun pulled up from inside the car and Fury used it to return fire on the mercenaries causing the SWAT truck and some of the police cars to explode.

"Propulsion systems now online."

"Full acceleration, now!" As he continued to fire at the mercenaries, Fury's car automatically backed up and drove off. "Initiate vertical takeoff!"

"Flight systems damaged."

"Then activate guidance cameras!" Fury went over into the drivers seat. "Give me the wheel!" Fury took over driving his car as the mercenaries chased after him in their police cars. "Get me Agent Hill."

"Communications array damaged."

"Well, what's not damaged?"

"Air conditioning is fully operational." The police cars continued to chase after Fury as he weaved through the cars on the road. "Traffic ahead."

"Give me an alternate route."

"Traffic alert on Roosevelt Bridge. All vehicles stopped. 17th Avenue clear in three blocks, directly ahead." As Fury headed into the traffic, he smashed into some cars causing a pile up which stopped the police cars. The mercenaries got out and started shooting at Fury's car. Fury managed to kill two of the mercenaries by running them down before getting past the traffic, but the remaining mercenaries continued to chase after him and managed to sandwich Fury's vehicle between them. "Warning, approaching intersection." As they approached the intersection, Fury managed to shake off the two police cars, killing off the mercenaries.

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