Chapter eleven: December already?

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Yes. This is wrong in so many levels...

Firstly, when did all this freaking year go by? where is my time? and who the hell took it??!!

Secondly, because it is way too late to consider this your birthday present. Therefore, it will be like a Christmas thing after all lol. 

It's shocking to think about things we did almost a year ago, that seem so dearly near. Like me visiting for christmas or all of our amazing adventures in the summer when we couldn't go partying to our usual spot.

 I am truly amazed by how we appreciate time and the way our brains process it all. It has been such a long year, and yet it has flewn, as lightning, as a freaking camaro rushing before our eyes.  

And well, here goes an extract I wrote before writing my final essay... I just couldn't get started so I chose to write to you first. 

"This should go on the last chapters, since I am in December now, far from your birthday, but near to my final deadline. I am so sorry Bell, to have poured all that bitterness on you my darling, that night at Fran's Birthday, and before that, when we went to your place, amid a thousand hand-ins. These last few weeks have been a disaster. Because I have been out, nonstop, away from everything that makes me, me. And I was so absorbed by that feeling of longing, of guilt, envy, for not being there. For me and for my friends, that I tried to find someone to blame, someone who could feel as miserable as me. But there's no one to blame, these are just sacrifices that come with the decisions we make in life. And therefore, I accept that this last year's fuzz, was part of the deal I signed. Nevertheless, I am no longer bitter. Because I understand that this isn't the worst thing in the world. Friends, and moments, are never truly gone. You can bring back a friendship, in seconds. In a quick laugh. In an old joke. That's why, I haven't missed a thing. Because I haven't lost anyone. I just need to pay a visit, and that's what I'm going to do. "

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