20. A Vampire and a Demon

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With Rimuru slinking away, there were now only four people left in the room. There was the beautiful short-haired brunette, the equally beautiful demon standing right next to her with scarlet eyes and white hair, a man wearing a pitch-black butler suit who looked to be in his mid-forties, and the last person was currently basking in all the attention she could muster.

Hinata and Testa came face to face with a short yet bodacious woman who could easily fill every man's dream woman. The first thing that would grab their attention would be the heterochromia in her eyes, with one ocean-blue and one ruby-red. The next thing would be silvery-white hair that flowed down to her mid-back, though it was currently resting between the couch she was sitting on and her back. Her small stature only accented her nicely filled-out curves, and the thigh-length lacy black dress she was wearing added to her overall eroticism.

Hinata, however, wasn't taken aback at all by her beauty. Judging by the look on her face, she was wondering what the hell she was doing in Rimuru's office, wondering why he just left, and most of all, wondering what she meant by her statement. While she could easily piece two and two together and assume that Rimuru and Luminous are getting married, she was just curious as to why.

Luminous has, in fact, shown interest in Rimuru before, but that was mainly because he was taking care of Chloe and prolonged Hinata's life for long enough so that she could save her when the Seven Days Clergy betrayed them. As far as romantically, it was very hard to say that she had any interest in him. Rather, she was more interested in the members of his harem than she was with him. Though she kept her advances, and subsequent exploits, only to Chloe and Hinata, it was no secret to the upper echelons of Tempest that she lusted after all the members of his harem, and when Hinata and Chloe were occupied, she'd 'vent' by going to the elves' red-light district.

Turning her head to Testa, she found the demon at a crossroads. She still had a puzzled look on her face, and having known the woman long enough, she could see that she was wondering exactly how to act. She couldn't really blame her either, as she herself was in the same boat. Deciding to take matters into her own hands, she said, "How about you go catch up with the others. I'll take care of this."

The two exchanged looks, and Testa then simply nodded and exited the room.

"Okay. Now, explain to me why you are here, and what you meant."

The vampire gave her a look that bordered between confused and hurt and retorted, "You leave without a trace for over two months, and this is the reception I get? I'll have you know that I was worried sick and worked extensively hard to make sure that you weren't dead in a ditch somewhere!"

Remembering that she couldn't communicate through worlds with her due to lack of a soul bond with the vampire, her expression softened. She gave as apologetic a look as she could muster while still keeping her pride and said, "I'm sorry for not being able to contact you. However," she said as her expression turned pointed, "I also know that your definition of 'working extensively hard' only means that you yourself asked Rimuru where I was rather than sending Louis or Gunther to do it."

"Tch." Though she was easily seen through, that didn't mean that she couldn't get what she wanted out of the taciturn woman. Standing up, she proclaimed, "I still feel that I'm owed something. You see, my supply of Hinata blood has been running quite low. I need a refill."

Though she wanted to argue with her on this, she knew that it was a fool's errand. Despite evolving into a Spiritual Being with the title of Saint and being able to acquire an Ultimate Skill with the help of Ciel, Luminous would still be able to thrash her about. If there was an argument, it would eventually turn into a fight, Luminous would win, and she'd no doubt take extra for the added effort.

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