Chapter 37

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Lola walked into school, feeling nervous and giddy. Her heart had been doing little summersaults ever since she woke up in Julian's arms. 

He had left earlier, just before sunrise but a smile had persisted on Lola's face ever since. The memory of his strong arms wrapped around her shoulders made her blush as she reached her locker and pulled out her books for first period. 

"Why are you smiling like a creep?" Nalini appeared out of nowhere and then Hanna. 

Lola visibly shook herself because she needed to get her head straight. She couldn't be smiling like this the entire day. People would think she had gone insane. 

"Just happy to see my two best friends," She attempted but both Nalini and Hanna shot her a look, making her sigh. 

"Bathroom." Lola turned and headed down the hall to the secluded bathrooms that lead to the field. Those were usually empty at this time of day. 

She didn't bother turning around, knowing her friends were close behind. She remembered the first time she had brought them here to tell him she had hidden Julian in her house while he was on the run from the police. 

The smile fought its way back to her face when she realised this conversation went along those lines as well. 

"Tell us. Tell us. Tell us everything," Nalini said eagerly after she locked the door, while Hanna double checked the stalls. 

She put a thumbs up, gesturing that they were in the clear and Lola took a deep breath.

"Julian stayed over last night." 

Both girls stared at their friend in shock, their expressions comically similar to the ones they wore when Lola had told them about Julian the first time. 

"What!" Both exclaimed in unison. While Hanna was smiling in excitement, Nalini looked angry. 

"Do you remember how he ignored us yesterday? And you just let him stay the night? Like some booty call."

Lola laughed, not feeling offended in the slightest. "Guys he explained why he had acted like that and it made absolute sense." 

She explained his reasons to them and while Nalini remained stubbornly unconvinced, Hanna seemed to believe him. 

"You have to admit he has a point," She pointed out to Nalini who only scoffed in response. 

Hanna's smile widened and she leaned in. "Did you guys kiss?" 

Lola's cheeks reddened. "No. But we did end up cuddling." 

Hanna cheered happily while Nalini only stared at her friend crossly. 

"We'll see how lover boy acts today then." 

The girls left the bathroom and went about their day filled with classes and assignments. For Lola, every class seemed to stretch on to infinity. She didn't have Julian in any of her subjects today and she couldn't stop thinking about where or how he was. 

She couldn't wait for the bell to ring, signalling for lunch because she knew he would be there in the cafeteria. When the bell finally rang, she grabbed her stuff and practically ran out into the hallway. 

Lola was early to the cafeteria but it was already bustling with students, most of whom were lining up for food. 

She did a quick scan and realised none of her friends were here and neither was Julian. She grabbed a sandwich and walked to their usual bench outside. 

Lola sat down and fiddled with her phone. She messaged her friends, telling them she was at their usual haunt already and they replied that they were on their way. The loud voices that belonged to Tyronne and his friends boomed from the cafeteria. 

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