Chapter 4

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Oakwood High School was an ivy feeder school, so it would make sense that the students here were over the top ambitious. Lola wished she was one of them but her grades had always been average at best. 

Her best friend Nalini however was a whole other story. The girl had it in her genes, her mother was a pediatric dentist, father an orthopaedic surgeon and both her brothers had gotten into Brown and Caltech respectively. 

Lola saw her tall skinny Indian friend standing by a bench under a tree. She was wearing loose denim overalls and a stripped t-shirt and her long wavy black hair was jutting out in all directions like she'd been running her hands through it the whole morning. 

"Nalini! We need to talk privately. I need your help," Lola rushed over to her friend who was sorting through sheets of paper on the school bench. "Have you seen, Hanna?"

"Nope, haven't seen her. Lola, I haven't slept all night. My paper's due first period and I feel like crying. I'm really not ready for today."

Lola peered over her friend's essay for Social History and sure enough it was five pages longer than hers was. She shook her head and grabbed her friends shoulders.

"Girl, you're fine. Now listen to me. I need to talk to Damien and you need to help me figure out a way to do that."

"Damien?" At hearing her crush's name, Nalini deflated like a balloon, her gaze now starry eyed. Damien had been Nalini's crush since middle school, throughout freshman and sophomore year and counting. 

Unlike her, he'd had multiple girlfriends but Nalini remained loyal to her long time crush -not that she had much of a say in the matter, guys weren't exactly falling over themselves to date Lola and her friends.

"What? Am I hearing things now? You said you needed to talk to my Damien? Why?" 

Feeling paranoid and almost like a boiling pot of water that was about to burst, Lola whispered out her worries to her best friend in a flurry of words.

"Julian's in my house, I believe he's innocent and I need to talk to Damien to help him." 

Nalini just stared at Lola with her huge brown eyes before she burst out laughing. She leaned against the bench and continued laughing like a hyena while Lola frowned at her. 

"Having a nervous breakdown already? It isn't even first period," Eva Maximus Simons passed by the girls with her troop of followers by her sides. 

Lola spotted Natalie among st the group, she was staring at her nails looking bored and for some reason it made Lola angry. How could she be so indifferent after all that has happened to her ex-boyfriend?

"There's no need to be jealous, Eva. Some of us can still laugh without all the botox in our faces," Nalini stood up straight and countered back effortlessly. This was routine for her.

"As if I would ever. It's an illegal procedure for minors, idiot." Eva subconsciously touched her pretty face. Nalini had a way of getting under her skin.

"Ya, well I bet that's never stopped you before."

Eva glared at Nalini while all the other popular girls shuffled on their feet wanting to leave but no one dared say anything or walk away from Eva. 

"I see you haven't handed in your paper yet. I emailed mine in yesterday," Eva smiled smugly when she saw Nalini's Social History assignment on the table.

"I know. I saw your graded paper on Mr. Duval's table. You got a 'B'," Nalini said and Eva's face paled.

"Your're lying!"

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