Chapter 33

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The sky had turned a dull grey and Nalini was trying her best to get home before the rain started pouring. She shouldn't have gone off track with her assignment  but her competitive side had overrided her common sense once again. 

She had texted Hanna that she would be finishing late but she didn't expect the time to pass by like the wind and now here she was, walking on the sidewalk of a lonely street, next to a derelict house that gave her the creeps. 

A drop fell on her shoulder and she quickened her pace. Why was she so stupid to turn down a ride from Damien and then Hanna and Edward? 

She texted her friends just to keep herself company under the swaying wind and cloudy sky but only Hanna replied, Lola had gone to Tyler's house to work on their assignment.

It seemed today was a day of bad decisions for her friend as well but Lola had texted everyone too late. The girl was alone in Tyler's house, the guy who may or may not be involved in this whole thing with Julian. 

Nalini texted Lola for an update but nothing came back. It made her uneasy as she remembered the photo they found of Tyler, Eva and Fiona. 

Nalini had never seen Eva speak to Tyler openly at school. Never seen them so much as look at each other but there they were, happy as could be with Tyler's hand on Eva's. 

She thought about how Eva had been acting weirdly the entire day. Everyone had been busy celebrating Julian's arrival but she looked like the world was going to end. Eva wasn't her usual self today, that was for sure. 

Nalini nearly jumped out of her skin when a dark red convertible stopped next to her and honked loudly. Her heart thumped in her chest and she stared at the tinted window that rolled down slowly. 

"It's going to rain. Let me give u a ride." 

Speak of the devil and the devil shall appear in a white tank top and jeans. Eva leaned towards the passenger's side and pushed open the door despite Nalini's objections. 

"It's fine. My house is just around the corner," Nalini protested with her hands outstretched. 

"No, it isn't," Eva argued and then she froze, just as Nalini did. 

How did she know where Nalini lived? 

Eva shook her head nonchalantly, her golden brown hair whipped across her tanned shoulders while she stuttered. "I took the school bus once with the girls, it was years ago but I have a photographic memory. You of all people should know that." 

Nalini scoffed. Eva was smart but she wasn't that gifted. Another drop landed on her shoulder and then another. 

"Come on. Your phone's going to get wet and so is your calculator."

The mention of Nalini's platinum, studded calculator -which had been a gift from her parents when she won second place in the science fair- made Nalini hesitate. That thing was precious and there was no way she was going to let that get wet. 

"Thanks," She mumbled and then she got inside reluctantly.

The seats were so soft, she sunk into them and Nalini's long legs stretched out nicely. This was the kind of car she used to see in the Fast and Furious movies but she'd never imagined ever sitting in one. She turned to Eva, who looked like the kind of girl who would be casted in a Fast and Furious movie. 

Long limbs, slim, shimmery tanned skin and thick golden hair. She was exotically beautiful, the kind of girl who walked into a room and you just had to stare. 

Nalini had never liked the insanely competitive girl, but there was no denying how attractive she was. 

"You cold?" Eva turned on the heater and Nalini shifted around. The atmosphere was worse than awkward, they were supposed to be enemies, arch rivals who hated each other. 

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