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  "I'm a motherfucking monster."

  D I E G O

There was something going on with Liam. It involved Miles, it had to. Mere months ago, Liam and I were leaving bruises on Miles, taunting him. Hurting him.

Now, Liam smiled down at Miles Medley. My captain observed the painting Miles was making at the crafts booth with Lilia and Marco, who both eagerly awaited the final result.

Marco, who was two years older than Lilia, sipped his hot chocolate, while Lilia watched Miles' painting with wide eyes.

The Christmas Festival always happened three weeks before Christmas. My sister told me this piece of information in her speech to try to get me to come. She promised me she'd bring her friend, Selena. The beautiful one.

I should've known she'd lie just to drag me out here to this ridiculous event. Instead of a flirtatious night with a pretty girl, I was trapped watching my little brother and Liam's little sister coo over Miles Medley's painting.

"Grinch," my sister accused as she poured a packet of sugar into her coffee. We were at the refreshments stand, where I refused to move from.

I casted her a glare, "You lied to me."

She rolled her eyes, "Yes, Diego, I did. You can't just...avoid Miles forever. I won't allow it."

So that was her purpose for baiting me here.

"I'm not avoiding him," I snarled. "I don't avoid."

"You haven't said one word to him all night," Grace said, eyes softening. "Even Liam has shown progress, a lot of progress, actually."

I tried to keep that bitter thought out of my mind, but I couldn't help myself, "Well, Miles was always closer to Liam than me. They don't need me."

"That's not true," Grace said, immediately setting her cup on the foldable table. "It hurt Miles when the both of you turned on him. You were one of his closest friends. I know he misses you."

I looked down at the dirt beneath my feet. "What the hell do you want me to do about that, hermana? It's done. We'll never be friends again."

"You're a coward," she said, eyes flashing. "You'd rather stand here with your pride than apologize to a boy who's done nothing wrong to you."

She was about to say more before Hector—whom I noticed was eyeing Miles and Liam all night—took her hand. He asked her, "Everything okay?"

With one last stormy look towards me, she gave Hector a smile and led him away to the Photo Booth. I fought the urge to pry my sister away from that male. Even after her dinner of introduction, I didn't trust him. I didn't like him. 

As I looked at Miles, I almost laughed, because he looked at Hector the same way I did; with vexation.  When he caught my stare on him, I did the one thing that I thought I'd never do again for Miles. I smiled. Not fully, but enough to show camaraderie.

Miles rose his brows slightly, and looked to Liam, who was attending to Lilia's own painting, too occupied to see the exchange. Miles grinned at me, like no time had passed, like I hadn't treated him like an animal. I saw the boy I grew up with, the one that used to make me laugh uncontrollably.

Perhaps, do-overs were possible. For Miles Medley.


                                      L I A M

I believed we were friends again.

Miles entertained Lilia and Marco with an elaborate painting of a Christmas tree. Art seemed to be something he did well.

A chill set over me as I saw him laugh with the children. I knew what needed to be done, in order for this laugh to be permanent. It might have been a risk, but I'd take it, without so much as a second thought.

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