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My boyfriend laughed along with the Creeds. Alvin was spewing some ridiculous story of a mission he once did while Red fought with him on the specifics of it.

"Miles, who do you believe more?," Alvin asked, crossing his arms and casting Red a pointed look.

Presley, who was sat on Nathan's lap, said, "Miles, don't answer that. It's a trap."

Miles turned to me, as if asking for assistance. I took his hand, and said, "It doesn't matter what Miles thinks, because none of you are telling the truth."

Red wrung his hands, "Oh, come on! You were there, Coleman. That bullet was centimeters away from Haley's face."

The table of Creeds snickered.

Haley, who sat next to Alvin, rolled her eyes. "It was not centimeters away. Maybe half a foot away. Right, Ally?"

Ally, the pretty blonde, was preoccupied with staring at Diego. He stared back, as if daring her to say something to him. Kyle, the sharpest shooter, looked at Diego in analyzation. I kicked Diego under the table.

What is wrong with you?, was the look I sent him.

He sent me a scowl, but stopped his staring.

Ally plastered a smile over her face—I wasn't sure if it was real—and said, "It all happened so fast, Red. All I remember is diving under the table."

Alvin said, as if remembering something, "Oh, right! Ally was the one who cried the whole night afterwards."

The boys laughed, except Miles and Presley.

"I would've cried, too," Presley noted, coming to Ally's defense. "A bullet is no small thing."

"We all know you're a crier, kid," Red responded, humor in his eyes.

Nathan flung a grape at Red's face. The flying fruit hit him right in the eye. I couldn't help but laugh. "Ow, my eye!"

Nathan and Red began to bicker, but I became hyperaware of Diego. Miles and I thought it would be best if Diego was brought around people. He seemed to avoid confrontation now, and that was no way to live. Now, as I looked at him, though, I regretted ever bringing him to a room full of gang members.

Once again, Diego drifted his attention towards Ally, and a smirk took over his face. Ally's eyes widened slightly at his expression, then she blushed.


Diego had taken a liking to her, and, under normal circumstances, I would have urged him to pursue her. But no, not with Kyle always at her side. I would warn him when we got a moment alone, and kick him extra hard in the shin.

Diego never tore his gaze from Ally. I instantly knew that he enjoyed watching the girl scramble for a place to look. It was the most emotion I'd seen on his face since—

Since Grace.

Miles looked to me with a slightly alarmed expression, "Do they know each other?," he whispered into my ear.

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