🔱Gura- If only I was patient.

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A/N-I rewrote it again! Its been a long time, happy 2023! And I'm going to continue the series once again!

There's an old legend going on in our village, they say somewhere around the ocean, there's an ancient lost underwater city called Atlantis where a species of humanoid type of sea animals lives, a place full of beautiful sea creatures, surrounded with bluish nature.

It's said to be one of the beautiful places in the world..though a lot of people doesnt believe it exist and personally I too didn't think much of it, that is until now...what's infront of me changes everything (not entirely).


I'd say I lived a normal life with my normal routine everyday. I chop woods and do half of the cooking for my family for like 10?11 years? now that I'm 19, this day's different.

Its time for me touch a fishing rod! my brother, Glint, he's willing to teach me how fish.

Right now we're heading to the northside of the village which is covered with small mountains, it was a lil' bit far but Glint said it will all be worth it, most fishes lived there afterall.

Walking beside him, I started a conversation since the sounds of our footsteps and tree branches are all we can hear.

"So..by the way, I heard that Lillian have someone she likes. "

Glint slightly flinched after hearing the sentence but continued on with his usual jolly expression.

" Really?? thats great!! "

"..Great?..aren't you like sad? or mad about it?"

" Haha! Why would I be sad? she found someone she likes! I'm happy for her!"

...What?? I thought he said he liked her?

A sigh came out of my mouth.

As much as I hate to admit it, Glints a muscle head and a cheerful DENSE strong guy that's almost good at everything. The golden child of our family, and yeah that's right, a lot of women likes him, he's just so damn dense, it's so annoying! it's really funny watching girls trying their best to flirt with him, I feel sorry for them...

My thoughts were interrupted by Glints loud voice in the distance.

"We're here!!"

"Finally..I was getting kinda tired.."

He laughed at my gloomy appearance and my tired expression.

"Haha! It wasn't even that far! you need to join me with my physical training next time!"

"No thank you. " I replied a little too fast, he continued putting down and setting up some fishing equipments.

I can hear waves, are we near the ocean?

Bored already, I watched Glint do most of the stuff, sometimes I juat can't help but admire him, he really knows what his doing but anyways, he told me to gather some woods to make a fire.

Even though it was sunny today, it was kind of cold here. I went out to the forests to look for some twigs and dry woods but while doing so, I didn't realize I went too far ahead from our spot. I got lost.

I tried finding my way out of the forest but all I can do is to follow the sound of the waves.

Minute's pass by that felt like weeks I finally found the ocean.
Thank God our village is in an island..

While walking down the sand, I was taken a back by the view..It's...really beautiful that I kinda forgot I was lost.

I sat down on a rock near a cave that I've never seen in my life.. I just stared at the ocean, making me question some things about my life..

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