1 | Waiting For You

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Sonia Nevermind sighed as she sat beside a bed looking down at who was laying there. That person was Gundham Tanaka. It has been quite along time since they escaped the neo world programe. After the whole ordeal they had been brought to a hospital like building by the future foundation.

Most of the class had already woken up from their coma. However few were still not awake and might not wake up at all. Sonia herself was told that there was little chances of Gundham and the rest of her classmates waking up again. She still hoped that wasn't the case.

Many hours passed by and Gundham still hadn't woke up. But Sonia promised that she would be by his side once he woke up even if Gundham himself didn't remember anything. As time went by Sonia was starting to loose hope but she reminded herself that she had to be strong for Gundham and herself.

The door opened slightly and Hajime walked in carrying a tray of food for Sonia as she hadn't eaten anything since they got out the programe. He placed the tray down on the table next to the bed Gundham was laying in and walked towards the door.

"I brought you something to eat." He says. Sonia dosen't pay attention still staring at Gundham watching for any movement from him.

And with that Hajime takes one look at them both and leaves the room. The only sounds that filled the room were Sonia's breathing and the beeps of the monitor that was next to the bed.

Sonia looks at the tray of food that Hajime brought her and takes a bit of bread from it deciding to leave the rest for Gundham as he would need it more than her when he wakes up. Her only concern at this moment in time was Gundham.

Once she finishes the bread , Sonia checks the monitor to see that it is still on and working as the beeps continued to make sound. As long as those beeps were still going Gundham is alive. That's what she tells herself. 'I must stay strong! I musn't give up hope. I promised '

Time went by and there was still no sign of Gundham waking up. Two days later she got news that Nagito and Ibuki have woken up from their coma. Yes she was releived that they had woken up , but she couldn't bring herself to visit them. She had kindly rejected Hajime's offer to visit them choosing to sit beside Gundham and wait for his return to the world of living.

As she sits in the chair a squeaking noise was heard and Gundham's hamsters , who he likes to call the four dark devas of destruction , came out of their place in his scarf and scurry over to Sonia.

"Hey there " She says as she pets the one the climbed on to her hand. The others were looking to where Gundham was. Sonia felt bad for the hamsters as they too were also missing their owner.

"Yes. I know we all want to see him again but nobody knows if he will come back." She says quietly to them hoping they will understand. She petted the hamsters one by one and fed them before returining to check on Gundham.

And yet the result was always the same. No sign of movement , nothing. It had been almost a week and as of now everyone but Gundham was awake.

By this point she had almost reached her breaking poing. Sonia gently takes Gundham's scarf from its place and wraps it around herself. She holds the scarf tightly towards her and starts to cry letting out all the emotions that she had bottled up inside of her

As she is crying with her face burried in Gundham's scarf she dosen't notice any movement from the person lying in the bed.


Everything was strange. He rememberd it well. Him casting the spell to protect the devas and then nothing. So how was he still alive? He was supposed to be dead. He tries to move but his body felt numb and painful.

Gundham had no idea what had happend but he didn't think too much on it. He slowly opens his eyes to see that he was lying in a bed. This time he tries and managed to lift his arm slowly. As he slowly moves to sit up , he notices that he appears to be wearing a hospital gown.

So he is in a hospital then. As he slowly moves his head to the side , something in the distance caught his eye. It was Sonia sitting in a chair. However something was different about her. She appeared to be crying.

This was a side to Sonia that nobody had really seen before. Gundham opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out.

Sonia looks as she notices that one of the devas made a sqeaking noise and ran down Sonia's arm and climbed over a bunch of things and jumped onto the bed. A ray of hope shined inside of her as she watched the other three do the same thing. 

She looked towards the bed and gasped as she saw that he was finally awake. This was too good to be true. She rushed over to him and wrapped her arms around him without thinnking.

Gundham was shocked at this sudden movement but didn't bother with it. He smiled and returned the hug. The former princess didn't move still clinging onto Gundham as if he would vanish from her arms if she let go.

"I can't believe your finally awake." She said. Gundham was confused still unsure of how and why he was alive now when he had died. Sonia eventually pulled away from the hug and gave Gundham his scarf back.

"Sorry about that. I wasn't thinking properly." She quickly apologized after she realised what she had just done. Gundham smiled and shook his head as he still couldn't seem to say anything yet.

Sonia brought over a glass of water from the table and handed it to Gundham. He took it and drank the whole thing. After awhile he tried to say something and managed to say a few words

"Thank you , Sonia."

This time it was Gundham who wrapped his own arms around Sonia who happily returned the hug.

After along time they were finally back together again and both knew they won't be leaving each other again for a long time.


I'm finally done! *happy sondam shipper noises* This one took awhile to write lol since I have written alot since that announcement saying I wanted to write these I have wrote around 4 more aswell so four weeks of weekly updates ahead!

Anyway thanks for reading if you did and hope you enjoyed this. Sorry if it was bad and the ending sucked but I tried my best.

Thanks for reading and bye for now


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