2 | Night By The Ocean

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It was the end of a very strange day. What was supposed to be their first day at Hope's Peak Academy turned into a killing school trip on Jabberwock Island. The first kill had already happend and the first class trial had just finished.

Monokuma had left the scene laughing like a maniac. The remaining students stayed in the trial room silently untill one by one they all left to get some sleep. By the time they had left the trial room it was really dark as the night sky was so clear that you could see stars shining brightly.

Sonia was on her way back to her own cottage when she noticed someone was sitting on the beach too close to the waves. Curiosity took over as she walked towards whoever was sitting there. As she got closer Sonia noticed that the person was Gundham.

The sounds of the waves crashing against the shore was the only thing that could be heard in the late hours of the night. Sonia walked untill she was standing a few meters behind Gundham. One of the hamsters - Four Dark Devas Of Destruction popped out of Gundham's scarf and noticed that Sonia was watching them.

The hamster made a squeaking noise as if to alert Gundham that someone was watching them. After a few quiet minutes Sonia gave herself the courage to walk closer and ask if he was alright.

"Uh , Gundham?" Sonia asks waiting for him to notice that she was there waiting for him. However he didn't seem to be paying attention to her as the hamsters were still making noises as they were worried that someone was going

Once they finally calmed down Gundham didn't bother turning to see Sonia standing behind her , instead choosing to stare at the ocean ahead. "What is it mortal?" He asks now that everything was calm again.

"Well you see I couldn't help but notice that you were sitting out here by yourself and I simply wanted to make sure that you were alright especially after what happend." She said.

The silence had once again returned. It was actually quite relaxing. Maybe that was why Gundham was out here she thinks. To her suprise he appeared to be inviting her to sit next to him as he moved his arm and pointed his finger to the empty spot next to him.

She walked towards where Gundham was sitting and placed herself next to him. One of his hamsters watched curiously from their place in his scarf. Sonia looked at it and smiled , the hamster made a squeaking noise and climbed out of Gundham's scarf and was now climbing up Sonia's arm and sat on her shoulder looking at her.

"It appears that Cham-P has taken a liking to you." Gundham said. Sonia looked at Gundham and smiled again. "He is really adorable." She exclaims. Gundham lifted his scarf to hide his face as he blushed at her response.

"T-thanks." He managed to say.

Gundham then turned his focus on the other devas who were now peeking out of his scarf. He let them climb out of his scarf and onto his hands. He then started to pet the devas and give each of them the attention they wanted.

After a while the devas raced back to their owner's scarf and settled down for the night. Sonia looked out towards the sea and stared up at the night sky. She drifted back to her thoughts as her mind replayed the events of the day.

She snapped out of it by quickly shaking her head. "Are you alright , she-cat?" Sonia turned to face Gundham suprised at the new nickname he had given her.

"Oh , I am perfectly alright " She replied turnng to watch the waves. Both of them continued to sit in silence. It seems that they have stayed out there almost all night as the sky was starting to turn blue.

Sonia was wondering why Monokuma hadn't came out to stop them yet. She puts that thought behind her and watches the sun rise. She takes a quick look at Gundham who also appeared to be interested in watching the sun rise.

Once it was now daytime , Sonia thinks its time to leave after being outside all night. She gets up off the sandy beach and turns to head back to her cottage before they get caught by Monokuma or anyone else.

However , she didn't want to leave Gundham by himself even though she knew quite well that he will be perfectly fine on his own.  Before she could exit the beach , she heard someone shout something.

Sonia turned to see that Gundham was only a few meters behind her. "Yes , what is it?" She asks. Gundham walks closer to her and waits.

He then suddenly wraps his arms around her which suprised her since she had thought that Gundham had been one to dislike physical touch of any sort. Sonia soon returns the gesture and leans into the touch.

It felt nice and comforting for Sonia. As much as she wanted to stay like this forever with just the two of them , she knew she had other things to attend to. After awhile they both pulled apart.

"Thank you , Tanaka-san" Sonia said. Gundham turned his head and pulled up his scarf to hide his face behind it. Sonia tried not to laugh. 'He actually looks quite cute when he's like that' she thinks.

"Well , I'd best be going. " Sonia said turning to leave the beach. "It's been fun I think we could do this again sometime!"

And with that Gundham watched untill she was out of view. A strange feeling appeared inside him. Whatever it was it was suprisingly a good feeling. Gundham smiled behind his scarf and walked to the hotel to meet with the others

It was during their night together when he realised that he , Gundham Tanaka has feelings for the princess Sonia Nevermind.


Another shit ending I know but I finally got this one finished. I know I said this would get a double update when I can update in my announcements buut I wanted to get this one out straight away once I finally finished this oneshot.

Dw I will get straight to work on my next one this week! Anyway hope you enjoyed reading and thanks for reading if you did.

Bye for now.


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