3 | Oneshot 3

78 0 0

It was just your average day at Hope's Peak Academy. Everyone in class 78 was doing their own thing untill their teacher had rounded them all up one by one and brought them to the classroom.

In class it was the usual. But something was different. Gundham wasn't being his usual self and his friend/rival Kazuichi had made it his mission to get to the bottom of this.

Once the bell rang for the end of class , everyone left the classroom. Kazuichi had debated going to see where the princess was but stayed behind to see whatever the hell was making Gundham not act like himself.

He watched and Gundham got up and left the classroom. Kazuichi was suprised that he wasn't noticed by him. He too left the classroom and walked outside so he didn't look like he was following someone else.

It was a warm day today. He could feel the warmth hit him once he stepped outside where alot of people were. He casually walked around untill he spotted Gundham sitting by himself on one of the benches.

"Hey dude you good?" Kazuichi asked as he walked up to where Gundham was sitting and sat next to him. "Oh its you." Something was definately up. "How come you're acting all depressed today?" He asks

Gundham sighed and looked up. He didn't like this at all but if it will make the pink haired mortal leave him alone he will have to tell him.

"Its nothing really .... " Gundham paused and stopped mid sentence. Kazuichi stared at him in confusion. He watched as Gundham did his usual hiding his face behind his scard and  "I might have fallen in love with the princess."

All Kazuichi could do was stare at Gundham. There was no way this was real. He couldn't believe it. He was sure he heard that right that Gundham Tanaka was in love with the princess Sonia Nevermind.

Kazuichi knew he had no chance with Sonia now but if getting Gundham and her together meant that Gundham would be back to his annoying self again then he would have to do something to make it happen.

"No way , you of all people have a crush on miss Sonia?" He couldn't help but shout. Gundham turned away from Kazuichi and hid his face deeper in his scarf. It didn't take long for him to realise that his reaction got a few people staring at them.

It wasn't long before things calmed down and it was quiet again. "Dude look I'm sorry ok." Kazuichi tries to talk to Gundham again. "Its just that I didn't think you were the type to be into things like this and you know ....." He trails off as he waits for the other to respond.

Soon it was time to go back to class as thr bell had rung. Everyone was collecting their things and going back to their own classrooms. Kazuichi left and went back to class with Gundham following him as they had the same class.

During class , Kazuichi couldn't help but look at Gundham every once in awhile. When he did it seemed that he was more focused on his work than dealing with his little crush on Sonia.

After what felt like years , class was now finallg over. This was when Gundham was eventually going to tell Sonia his feelings for her. Kazuichi met up with Gundham after class and basically told him that it was a now or never type thing.

"You like her don't you?" Kazuichi asked as he shoved his hands in his pockets and looked at Gundham waiting for an answer.

"I- I don't .... " Gundham was getting fed up of Kazuichi pestering him all the time. He was almost wishing he had never told him about his feelings for the princess. He was honestly suprised that Kazuichi was taking this well as he was also 'crushing' on the princess. He wonderd what had changed but never botherd to ask him.

As they were walking around town not saying a word to each other , thats when they spotted her. "Dude , now's your chance." Gundham pushed Kazucihi off him and stopped.

Then as he was debatimg if he should go through with this , Gundham watched as Kazuichi casually walked away from him as if he wasn't the one who made him do what he was about to do.

This alone had made Gundham quite nervous but he won't admit it. He was never the type to show weakness. Not to anyone. He sighed and looked at Sonia , he guessed Kazuichi was right in some way. He would do this today.

Gundham walked up to where Sonia was and sucsessfully got her attention. She turned round confused on what was happening. "Oh , hello Gundham! What brings you here?" Sonia said. They both stayed silent fot awhile untill Gundham finally found the right words to say to her.

"I wanted to ask you this today. "Gundham said. "Sonia would you like to be my .... girlfriend?"

Sonia blinked. She had never expected him to be the one to ask her out. She had always thought that she would have been the one to do so. However she didn't mind at all. If it meant that he also liked her back in that way then all was good.

"Yes , yes I would love to!" She said as she now went to his side and held out her hand which he eventually took. Gundham   brought his scarf up to his face in an attempt to hide how a blush was appearing on his face.

Sonia smiled as she looked at Gundham happy that they were now a couple. Their newfound relationship was already getting off to a great start.

Gundham thought back on how his rival Kazuichi had suprisingly helped him with this. He had wonderd what had changed but didn't bother to think on it.

He wouldn't admit it to anyone but Gundham was relieved to have finally gone through with this. He might have to thank the mortal Kazuichi later.

But right now he was finally starting his relationship with Sonia. And they wouldn't be ending it for years to come.

Finally managed to get this one out. This was actually hard to write. And I still can't come up with a title yet. I will be working on some more oneshots that I'm  hoping to get out next week.

Anyway thanks for reading if you did and hope you enjoyed it.

Bye for now


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