Corpse party: Jealousy [Kensuke Kurosaki x Seiko Shinohara]

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Imagine Kensuke seeing Fukuroi and Mitsuki talking and laughing, and gets extremely jealous, and tries to leave, immediately Seiko notices and softly reaches out and grabbed his shoulder,

"Kurosaki......are you-

" I'm Fine! I'm going out for a walk!" Harshly he pushed her hand away. And as he nearly reached the door, Seiko hugged him from behind.


Then he realized, she was crying.

" I know it want to do whatever makes her happy.....even if it breaks your heart....." Seiko began trembling.

"Shinohara......" This whole time he was being oblivious to her feelings........she was just like him, she liked Nakashima.......but.....she likes Mochida Satoshi.........he knew how hurt she was every time they'd get all close........

"I'm sorry, Shinohara........I'm so so sorry." By now he was hugging her tightly whispering apologies into her ear softly.

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