Corpse party: Nice and Slow [Emi Urabe x Kai Shimada]

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AllAboutLemons: I dedicate this to Buzzkill590 for requesting it. Enjoy~

I enjoyed writing this so I hope you enjoy reading this.

I dont own any FUCKING anime ;3

{Emi's P.o.v}

Why? Why? I lied down looking at the celling. Why do I even like a jerk like him!? Yuuya was chatting with Tohko about the biology homework. Which was silly, she already had the biology homework, heck! She was talking about it with me earlier and gave me and copy of the homework! Oh- wait I get it now~ she wanted to spend time with Yuuya. Well, she does like him. I was sitting down next to the boy I liked but he had no idea, plus he likes Tohko, and Tohko likes Kizami. Also Tohko hates his guts. Bingo! Yep, I got a crush on Kai Shimada. Ridiculous right? He doesn't even pay me any attention, here watch this.

"Kai, umm........I have something important to tell you." I said as I fixed my pink glasses. Note how I said his first name.

"Damn you Kizami........taking my girl." Yep, what did I tell ya? He acts like I'm not even there...........people say he's only into tuff girls like Tohko and "Hell girl Mitsuki" as they call her. I smiled nervously. Then I tapped Kai's shoulder getting his attention.......surprisingly.

"Shimada, why don't you just ask Tohko on a date or something?" I asked him, she just closed his eyes uncaring and looked away.

"That's too much work. I say you Fuck them first and then you decide if you date or not." Kai said nonchalantly. Pause! What the Hell?! this is why I wonder why do I like him at all. But then his voice drove me out my daze.

"What do you know anyway glasses?" I know.........I know he didn't call me glasses! I know he knows my name, like come on~ we're in the same class for God sake! How come he can remember all of his fangirls names but not mine.

"I-It's Emi urabe. And I'm one of Tohko's best friends. I sit down with her all the time at lunch." I told him, then a spark went off into his eyes. Now I had his full attention.........just because of Tohko. If your wondering...........yes.....I am jealous of Tohko, but not the mean girl jealous. I'm the best friend jealous or whatever they call it. I don't hold a grudge on her and I don't secretly hate her, I just wish I had what she that Kai would notice me and like me, is that so much for a girl to ask?! Then the bell rung we had a period of free time.

"Come with me." Then Kai grabbed my arm and we ran out the classroom into the halls. It was just my luck that his fangirls were everywhere, I can hear them whispering about me too........

"Ew, I dare SHE be around Kai? An ugly Bitch like her doesn't even deserve to breathe the same air as him." A girl with blond hair said. I-It's strong. Remember what Mitsuki said, just block out the voices. But I couldn't. I was nosy and sensitive. I kept hearing them talk about me.

"Oh, boy. Ugly girl must be happy she gets to Fuck Kai, she probably paid him too." A girl with black hair tched. I bit down on my lower lip. Block them out. Block them out.

"What is that ugly girl with glasses doing making contact with Kai-Sama?!" A girl with brown hair said as she glared daggers.

"Did you hear? An ugly Bitch is holding hands and talking to Kai!"


"Yeah! I say once Kai is done with her, we beat a couple teeth out of her." oh great. Now rumors are gonna go around the school, my record is gonna be ruined, and I'm gonna get hurt. Then kai stopped. We were at a janitors closet, then we both went in.

"Ok, Urabe. Get me on a date with Tohko and I'll owe you." (-_-) he seriously Brought me here just to say that?! Now atleast I won't be in deeper shit if we talked any longer.

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