Chapter 43 - Portal Opening

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The light slammed into their circle, raced around them, reflected off the band on Metjen's wig and from there roared into the hall like a sun gone nova. It blinded his mind, blocked his hearing and sent a vibrating current through his body. He froze, burned and shook all at once—and a whole world slipped through his hands.

It left a metallic aftertaste.

Slowly the rage died. The light stayed bright, but the wind calmed until only a breeze was left whispering around the scattered remains of their group. Many Servants lay prone on the floor, and Metjen knew they would never rise again.

He threw a shuddering ka into the surroundings. Half of the old priests remained with him, so did his family—together with Trueth and Seisi. Behind him, a huge diamond radiating white and blue from its core threw fantastic shadows into the chamber.

The portal stood open.

But where was Iseret, he could not see or sense her anywhere? There was no response to his calling—yes, there was, he sensed a familiar pull from the floor. Where she had stood, he spotted a fine, glittering dust moved on by the gentle breeze coming straight out of the light. The current was cooling their skin, toying with their hair, carrying along that faint sweet perfume lilies release into summer skies.

'Iseret!' A last twinkle in the dust—then it feathered away, leaving nothing behind.

'She is gone,' said Seisi. 'She told me this would happen. She has kept her side of the bargain and got her pardon.'

Metjen continued staring at the floor. The silent forms of the dead Servants had disappeared too.

'Metjen! We must make haste!'

He shook, turned towards the others and waved at his family. He got teary smiles in return. Father strode into the diamond with determination—and exploded in a shower of ruby blue sparks. His mother, his brother and sister were too close behind him. They could not stop. More red-blue eruptions, and they were gone. Metjen felt his throat constrict in horror.

'What is this shit?' he screamed. He noticed Seisi's larynx move up and down as he swallowed.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw Trueth stumble towards the Servants.

Seisi's hands fluttered like Iseret's had done. 'Nobody explained how it does what it does. It just does it. Have faith—and send the others on in the name of the Lord Ra, for they are coming for sure!'


Farewell Iseret! I loved you dearly - despite all the things you did :(

What do you think has happened here - and who do you think is coming?

A bit of dramatic music is called for - Two Steps from Hell! 

This chapter is dedicated to @belladonnafox. She has a wonderful fantasy novel 'The Guardians - Magic Rising' which I can recommend. A lot!

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