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October 4th, 2014

"Scarlett O'Hara!"

"Jared." Lorelai nodded, greeting the lanky man approaching her.

"How are you today?" she continued.

"Quite well honestly," The brunet responded, sitting down in the same seat he'd sat in for the past week, since the first day the teens had met. The pair continued chatting as the lecture went on.

"I just noticed, you're always so early to class?" (it wasn't as early as Wilbur characterized it to be)

"Maybe you're always late," Lorelai tsked, closing her book to look up at the boy.

"Perhaps you're right" he agreed, peeking down at the newest novel of Lorelai's, "Fahrenheit 451?"

"I've read it before, I wasn't very satisfied with the ending though" she sighed,

"I bet you're never satisfied," Wilbur criticized.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" she folded her hands together, intrigued.

"Well, I just think you're never truly—happy, something's always in need of correction in your eyes."

Lorelai took this as a challenge, "How would you know that?"

"I think your reaction can justify my point" he smirked, "you defend yourself instantly in situations where you may be harmed."

"You're an intelligent specimen, you know that?" The girl leaned into the palm of her hand, ignoring how deep his statement had hit.

"Specimen?" Wilbur gasped, "really?"

Lorelai had found this playful bickering entertaining, their cunning disagreements always made her crave more. And fortunately, it was the same for the young boy.

"Yes," she laughed, "specimen."

"Jeez Scarlett," he tutted, opening his own textbook or journal, she couldn't really decipher which of the two the book fell under. "Didn't expect to be attacked today..." the boy enunciated.

"You should expect that from me" she turned back to the professor's lecture, taking notes as they conversed.

"Now what's that supposed to mean?" he appalled in a low voice, "are you an attacker of sorts?"

"Oh yes definitely" her tone thick with sarcasm, "you should really expect that from me of all people."

"I don't know you," he mused, "you should tell me something about yourself."

She paused for a minute, pondering over what to tell the young man sitting next to her. Of course Lorelai didn't trust him with too much information.

"I have 7 siblings." She said, feeling the shock form on Wilbur's face in seconds.

"Seven?" he gaped, "seven whole siblings?"

"Mhm" she hummed, "3 sisters, 4 brothers."

"Woah" he muttered under his breath, completely astonished by this, "how'd your parents cope?"

"By divorcing each other when my youngest siblings were 4." She responded politely, it wasn't meant to be a bitter statement, so she tried her best to put a lightheartedness behind it with a slight smile. "Didn't really shock the family though, it'd been in the works for years."

𝐊𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐀 , 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐛𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐨𝐨𝐭Where stories live. Discover now