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June 13th, 2017

tw: suicide, toxicity, grief

all around heavy chapter, please read w/ caution

"Can we—talk?" Lorelai asked, Wilbur's anxious demeanor deepened at her words, almost in a knowing pattern.

"Of course." He nodded, setting down his notebook scribbled with phrases that could be put together into a song, "What d'you want to talk about?"

She paused, a worrying lip between her teeth, "Things have changed—between us."

Wilbur's expression flickered to overwhelming distraught for merely a second, "I—agree."

"Are we going to do anything about it?" She asked quizzically, because she truly didn't know anymore.

"I dunno, are we?"

"You're trying to not answer the question, I just want your opinion." She explained,

"My opinion?" Wil raised an eyebrow, "you want an opinion?"

"Yes." Lorelai was most likely going to regret that small yet powerful sentence, "Of course I want your opinion."

"Well, in my opinion—I think you need to put in a little more effort if you're willing to fix this—"

"I'm not trying to fix this; I'm trying to help us grow rather than—"

"You asked for my opinion, I'm giving my opinion." Wilbur snapped, cutting Lorelai off, which never happened. No one meaningly lets the debater lose their final word, its common sense.

She clenched and unclenched her fists quickly, something to input her growing frustration, "I don't see why you can't just drop the negativity bit you're doing—"

"Why not?" he refuted, "Ever since your brother—" Wil cut himself off, not wanting to tick the argument to the next level.

"Ever since what?" Unfortunately, Lorelai wasn't hard of hearing, and had heard the first part of the sentence.

"Ever since your brother went missing—you haven't been the same since, you've been negative for months! And the second I'm finally saying something that's—actually meaningful, I'm suddenly the negative one."

"Because he's missing!" She chastised, "and I just sit here and do—nothing."

"You just need to move on!" He explained, "Because at this point it's hurting both of us worse than needed."

"Then how's this going to work?" Lorelai refuted, "How are we going to work if neither of us can just move on?"

"You're the one that needs to move on!" Wilbur admitted, "Parkers a lost cause! He's f*cking dead!"

Wilbur instantly regret his words, quickly seeing the color drain from Lorelai's face in a fight against acceptance.

"You need to stop denying it." He said quickly, tapping his fingers against the table rhythmically in some type of way to diffuse tension, "you need to learn how to move on."

"So you're placing blame." Lorelai muttered, biting her tongue from saying anymore.

"Why are you always jumping to conclusions?" he asked, genuinely, "I say you need to move on, and I'm automatically placing the blame?"

𝐊𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐀 , 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐛𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐨𝐨𝐭Where stories live. Discover now