Prologue: Gearing Up

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More third person reee-

Mega Man fires the overcharged shot in his buster, the shot collides and there's a suspenseful pause as Wily Machine No. 11 detonates, the mad Doctor Wily being ejected. The two share words, with Doctor Thomas Light eventually arriving and attempting to get Wily on the right path.

This fails and Wily escapes. The Gear Fortress beginning to collapse.

"Hey, if you don't mind, I think we should blow this joint!" Assistant robot Auto says.

"You're right, doctor, follow me!" Mega Man says, and the three begin to make their way to the exit. Light and Auto make it out of the fortress safely, but as Mega Man attempts to step outside of the fortress, something grabs his arm.

"Wha-" Mega Man says, turning around. Sure enough, Dr. Wily had grabbed him using the flying UFO machine's claw, keeping Mega Man from leaving.

"Hehe! I told you! Doctor Wily always strikes again!" The mad doctor cackles.

"Light! Auto! Go! I'll be fine!" Mega Man yells, and the two run off to safety.

"If I'm going down, you'll be going with me!" Wily explains as the fortress continues to collapse. Mega Man activates his Double Gear technique and throws a powered Chain Blast bomb at Wily's machine, causing it to explode, the mad doctor falls down a hidden latch that had been opened in the commotion. Mega Man questions whether or not to follow the doctor and prevent another catastrophe, or go home.

He eventually comes to the decision of sending a transmission to Dr. Light to explain his absence, and follows Wily.

He just reaches the pit by the time the fortress collapses, a piece hits Mega Man on the back of the head, causing a small system error to force a blackout of his systems, and he falls into a state of unconsciousness and falls into the pit.

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