Chapter 14

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Jessie's POV

Lauren and I go straight to Forever 21 and each of us try on a pile of clothes. I decide to get a lace shirt, a flower print shirt, a black skirt and a light blue dress. Lauren shows me that she's getting a pair of jeans, a baseball tee, a lace shirt, and a pair of shorts. I grab a long necklace to buy as well and we pay for our things.

"Want to go get some lunch?" I ask and Lauren agrees. We walk to the food court and go straight to Subway. I think while I eat and it's a bit easier to do so with Lauren because she doesn't always need to be talking, she's introverted too. She must have notice how quiet I'm being though because she's staring at me.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing," she quickly responds and turns pink because she didn't think I noticed her looking at me.

"Do I have something on my face?" I ask even though I know I don't.

"No... I was just wondering if you are okay. You don't seem like it," Lauren observes and she's right. I shrug and look at my food.

"Jessie, you can tell me ya know," she says and I nod and smile at her.

"I know and thank you Laur but I am fine. Just thinking about something," I state as I finish my sub and she has already finished hers. Drinking the last bit of my pepsi, I throw my garbage away and then Lauren and I continue shopping.

We go to all the good stores in the entire mall before I check the time.

"It's 4:30 shoot Laur, I hope we're not late for dinner," I say and she looks frantically at me. We quickly walk out to the car and I go to hand her the keys again but she shakes her head.

"You're the better driver so you cam get us home faster," she says and I can't really argue with that nor do I have time to. I get in the driver's seat and quickly drive home. What normally takes half an hour only takes 25 now and we walk in the door with a few minutes to spare.

"Oh good you're not late," Amy says, walking up to us and we nod. I go upstairs and put my purse away before heading down to the table. Christina isn't here and neither is Kath or Mike. Mike is probably at work and Kath still out with friends.

I eat rice, chicken and some carrots and ask to be excused when I'm done. I head to my shared room and grab a large duffel bag and put some clothes in it. I also throw my hairbrush, some makeup, and a toothbrush and toothpaste.

I hear someone coming upstairs and I quickly put the duffel bag under my covers and lay next to it. Lisa walks in and I smile at her. She smiles back but looks at me a little suspiciously before leaving the room. That was a close one, it seriously looked like she'd ask what I'm doing and I don't have a clue what I would've told her.

I finish packing the duffel bag and put my wallet in it. I make sure I have 200 dollars in it. I then take the duffel bag and sneak down the stairs, hiding it in the downstairs closet that no one goes in before going to the kitchen.

"I smell muffins," I exclaim and Lisa and Amy turn around.

"You betcha it's muffins," Lisa says happily and Amy grins.

"I call first dibs!" I yell as they take them out of the oven. I grab one even though it's burning hot and eat it. Lauren, Amy, Lisa, and now Dani each have one.

"This is so good," Amy says.

"Mmmmm," Dani says in between chewing.

Later, we all go upstairs to bed and Dani and Lauren fall asleep right away as usual.

"Hey are you okay? Earlier it seemed like you were hiding something," Lisa whispers from the bunk beneath mine.

"Yeah I'm fine Lise," I lie and feel bad for doing so. But if I told her what I'm going to do, she'd insist on coming with and that's not something that would work as well.

"Okay well goodnight Jessie, sleep well," Lisa says and I smile a little at how sleepy she sounds.

"Goodnight Lisa, you too," I say and wait about an hour to make sure she really is asleep. Once my phone says 1, I quietly get out of bed, go to the bathroom and then go downstairs. I get my duffel bag and take the keys to one of the small cars. I get in and begin driving.

I drive in peacefulness for about an hour before getting bored so I turn on the radio and sing along to it. 3 hours have passed and I'm almost there. Thankfully this car already had a full tank of gas so I didn't need to refill it.

At close to 5 am, I stop at a gas station for a bathroom break and I grab a coffee and a muffin. I drive into Sacramento and find the hotel that the Cimorellis usually stay at while they're here. I find Christina's car and park mine next to hers. I then text Lisa to let her know where I am.

Jessie: Hey Lise, I'm sorry I didn't tell you this but I knew you would want to come with and I want to do this alone. I just parked at the hotel in Sacramento where you guys normally stay. I'm worried about Christina and came here to make sure she's okay. Don't worry about me, I've made it here safe and sound. Just tell the others.

She won't awaken for a few hours so I don't wait for a response. Instead, I walk into the hotel and go up to the front desk.

"I'm looking for my sister Christina Cimorelli, she's staying here," I say and the man looks on the computer.

"Room 412 ma'am," he says and I stop myself from gagging or giggling. I'm way too young to be a ma'am. I thank him and go up the elevator to the fourth floor. I get a little nervous as I walk up to room 412 but I knock on the door anyways.

"Who's there," I hear a voice ask and I say my name. The door opens and we both stare at each other. She's probably in shock, I on the other hand am suddenly so glad I came. Christina looks like a mess. She definitely hasn't slept and it looks like she's been crying for hours.

I walk into her room and close the door, dropping my duffel bag down. I sit down on her bed and she follows me like a lost sheep.

"Come here," I say and open my arms. Christina launches into them and begins to cry on my shoulder. I hold her and rub her back for close to an hour before her cries slow.

"Chrissy what's going on?" I ask and look her in the eyes. It pains me to see how upset she is.

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