Chapter 27

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Jessie's POV

My sisters and I go to the mall to buy some things except Lauren stays home because she has no money.

"We're home," Lisa calls out as we walk in the front door but no response. Lauren must have headphones in or something. I go upstairs to tell her we're back and I open our bedroom door.

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY SISTER!!" I yell loudly at the sight I see. Eric and Lauren are making out. Their shirts are off. He's reaching down her pants. Oh my god. Lauren pulls away quickly and looks embarassed. I grab Eric's hair and pull him down off the top bunk.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING?!" I yell and he looks up at me with a smirk.

"Your sister is hot," he says and I completely lose it. I slap him hard and then punch him several times before dragging his cheating ass downstairs.

"Don't you ever come near me or any of my sisters ever again, if you do, you're gonna regret it. I promise you that," I hiss at him before slamming the front door in his face. I go back upstairs wanting to make sure Lauren's okay but the moment I go back into the room all I feel is hatred.

"Jessie I'm so sorry," Lauren says in tears.

"Save it Lauren, just save it," I snap and run back downstairs. I can't take it anymore. I'm about to run out the door when someone grabs my arm.

"Let go of me!" I scream and spin around. Christina, Kath, and Lisa try to hold me down. "Leave me alone!!"
"No Jessie don't do this," Lisa pleads but I finally free myself of their grasp and run out the door. I hear them screaming my name but I don't care. I can't stay there.

I get to a park and sit down on the grass. The guy I love, well loved, was going to have sex with my younger sister. He never loved me. He didn't want a relationship with me. He only wanted sex. He lied to me.

"Jess," I hear someone say quietly and there's only one person who calls me that. She sits next to me and I look up at her and see the sadness in her eyes.

"Eric was going to have sex with Lauren," I state the fact and she looks down.

"I know honey, thank goodness we came home when we did. We saved Laur," Christina says and I agree. No matter how much I'm angry at Lauren, I'm also so glad we stopped it before he fully took advantage of her.

"I loved him and he didn't love me." The tears fall down my face first one by one and then in a rainfall. I cry loudly, I scream. I punch a tree, I punch myself. I try to scratch myself but Christina grabs my hands and stops me. She holds me tight while I sob.

"How could I fall for such an ass?" I ask and she doesn't metion my language.

"You didn't know. Heck I even thought he was a good guy, he really seemed like it," Chrissy tells me and I remember when they met. I remember the wonderful dates we had. It's all over.

"He stole my first kiss and he also stole Lauren's," I sob some more. How could Eric do this?!

"He's a horrible guy Jess. But don't you dare blame yourself. And I know it's not easy but don't blame Lauren either. It's Eric's fault." I try to tell myself what Christina says is true but it's so hard. Everything's so hard and confusing.

I lay on Christina's lap on the grass for awhile and I must've fallen asleep because she gently shakes me awake.

"It's getting late we need to go home," she tells me and I open my eyes and get up. Christina is such a great sister, she just sat there and watched over me while I slept for a few hours.
We get home and only my brothers are running around. Dinner is awkward and neither Lauren or I talk at all.

"So how was your day Jessie," Dad asks and I press my nails into my hand to keep from crying.

"Um it was okay," I manage to say and I feel someone unclench my left hand and hold onto it, squeezing once. I see Katherine and I squeeze back to say thank you. Dinner finally finishes and I take a shower and then watch some netflix with Christian and Alex. My mind isn't really on the movie though.

"It's 11 guys, time for bed," Mom says and even though I'm 18 I'm gonna go to bed too. Today was exhausting. I start to walk into my room and see Lisa, Dani and then Lauren look up from what they're doing. I climb up my bunk and grab my phone and pillow. I can't do this, I can't be in the same room as her.

Walking out of my room I hear Lisa and Dani pleading me to come back. I ignore them and knock on thw other bedroom door.

"Come in," Kath calls and I walk in. Amy's already asleep but Kath and Christina are still awake.

"Why do you have your pillow?" Christina asks.

"I can't be near her. Not tonight. I just can't," I say. Kath gets up and gives me a tight hug. She knows I needed one. Christina motions to her bed and she moves to the wall. I get under the covers and we get comfortable.

"You're going to be okay Jess, we're here for you," Christina whispers and I close my eyes, tears falling down my cheeks.

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