Whatever It Takes-NingSelle

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Giselle & Ning Ning (aespa) x Male Reader
Requested by Avenger7567

Giselle's POV

"Don't stray too far," Jimin sent Yizhuo and I through the food court in the mall.

We held hands tight.

"Why does Unnie send us foreigners on our own?" The maknae looked up at me.

"Uri Ning Ning," I squished her cheeks. "Calm down. Nothing to be nervous about."

I looked back up before seeing a man walking to us.

"Come with me," he growled.

He grabbed our wrists before pulling us. I tried breaking free.

"Scream and I'll shoot you," he showcased a gun.

"Now Yeongjin," we heard behind us. "You know that's now how you treat women."

"This isn't your place Hwang," the man growled.

"It's not yours either," I saw a younger boy smirk. "Run along before I call my Appa. He can settle this."

"Whatever," the man ran off.

"Are you girls okay?" The boy looked at us.

"W-We're fine," I nodded. "Thank you."

"I'm Hwang Y/n," he bowed.

"Well we're-."

"Ning Ning and Giselle from aespa," he smiled. "I know. But you were almost two bodies found in a river. Be more careful next time."

"H-How do you know that?" Yizhuo got worried.

"Being a crime bosses' son has its perks," he turned to us. "I'll make your group untouchable."

I gulped as he walked away.

"He's hot," the maknae fanned her face.

"He's too old for you," I scolded.

"What do you think?" She tapped her chin. "Twenty? Twenty two?"

"I'm thinking," I tapped my chin as well. "Too old for you."

She frowned at me.


Yizhuo walked with Jimin as I stayed behind with Minjeong.

"Are you okay?" I nudged her.

"Unnie didn't want to hold my hand today," she looked to me. "She's afraid."

"But you two always hold hands in front of the cameras," I furrowed my brows. "I'll talk to her."

Minjeong nodded then we reached the dorms.

"Jimin you should talk to Minjeong," I said after following her to the kitchen. "She's upset you didn't hold her hand in the stores."

"I know," she sighed. "And it was wrong of me. I'm making it up tonight."

She walked off to Minjeong's room. I smiled before thinking back to Y/n.

"Maybe he's looking for a girlfriend."

Ning Ning's POV

I sat on my bed and pouted. My eyes caught a person walking down the street as I looked out my window.

He looked like Y/n. I got up then opened my window. I climbed onto the fire escape before taking it down to the street.

"Y/n Oppa!" I ran to him.

K-POP Girl Imagines Pt. 3Where stories live. Discover now