Chapter 33: Jake

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"Maced, huh?"

Above the loud music beats that pounded in my ears and vibrated my bones, Evan tipped his head back and laughed heartily. Our standard, rotated party gatekeeper policy never changed, no matter what the hour was, and he greeted me with a wide grin from his position behind the front door he held open for me.

Before I asked how he knew, he circled one finger around his forehead and eyes. "Your eyes, bro," he offered lamely. "Unless you got a hold of some really bad -"

"Fuck off." I resisted the urge that I palmed my forehead, since I knew just from the sting and tension that lingered in my swollen skin that my forehead, eyes, and nose looked pretty bad. And yet, a twisted part of me was impressed by Harper's reflexes, which pointed out one obvious fact.

I still stand by what I first told Ellie, Harper doesn't need extra help from anyone.

"I like her," Griff offered, once again, nothing of value to a conversion except his own personal commentary from where he stood, arms crossed and back leaned against the staircase railing as I pushed past sweaty body after body. With the same raised eyebrow he'd given me when I'd earlier raced out of the house after Harper like my ass was on fire, he joked, "Wish you chased us down in games as fast as you did that girl's pussy, bro."

My only response to Griff was a raised middle finger, which I shot up right between his eyes and an inch from his nose. Gossip news that I was single reached USC's campus before I'd gotten back from breaking up with Brit at UCLA and my entire week afterwards was flooded with unsolicited attention. From eye stares in each of my three classes to additional practice attendees, and locker room jersey-chasers, indirectly I was labeled USC's most eligible bachelor. The pile of shredded papers in my trash that I passed on the way to my bed every night showed the number of phone numbers shoved in my pockets and backpack was laughable.

And yet, I can't get one particularly difficult, challenging girl to text me back.

"Speaking of pussy..." Evan's blue eyes narrowed at me. "Your girl ran interference on my threesome tonight. So I need a replacement... or two."

The arrogance in his voice was supported by the attention the three of us drew. At this late hour of the party, the number of hungry, girl-horny eyes on me, Griff, and Evan was beyond fair and I quickly stepped upstairs because the three of us together meant I only had a few moments before someone -

"Hi Jake," a soft, familiar female voice called out to me. "Oh gosh, your face! Are you okay?"

I walked up the last step and frowned down at the familiar short, thin blonde who leaned against my locked bedroom door. Her blue-gray eyes beamed up at me as I casually greeted her, "Hey Emily. I'm fine, thanks."

An unsettled feeling came over me at the sight of her small frame, dressed in a tight black shirt and skinny jeans that gave away swells and curves in all the right places, but did nothing for me after the night I'd had behind that door. My mostly satisfied cock had swelled back up to full mast the more I shamelessly grinded Harper into her own car. The fact I knew she was bare under that fucking temptatious red dress borderline tortured me, I was one thrust away from sliding it up and railing her in the back seat.

I didn't though... but fuck, I wanted to. Still do.

Since I hadn't fully sealed the arrangement with Harper as my cock wanted, it deflated in self-pity as I walked back with only my thoughts as my company. The entire conversation replayed in my head over and over during the otherwise quiet walk home, namely past the part where Harper tried to burn off my eyeballs. The biggest grin had spread across my face at how easily she'd caved, sucked right under the predictable tricks I'd laid out in front of her.

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