Chapter 52: Jake

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My kicker, who was always the first guy dressed and gone after games, sat reclined in front of his locker as if he was the only person in the room. Dressed in a black suit, his arms were crossed over his chest and his shiny black shoes outstretched with his legs. His head was tilted slightly back, eyes closed, and brown hair damp and matted across his forehead.

The overhead lighting highlighted his cheekbones but cast a shadow over his eye sockets that reminded me of a skeleton. I assumed he'd taken a nap by how still he sat, but his eyes flipped open and focused on me.

"Good game," I muttered quietly and stripped off my jersey overhead. The soft clicks from my pads unhooked filled the silence between us, until a low groan left my mouth from how my shoulder, back, and leg muscles ached.

London only nodded silently, the same greeting he'd given me all week since the night he saw Emily left my room. While he was normally a quieter guy, the extra silence was uncomfortable for sure.

With a loud sigh, I dropped down next to him. My back muscles complained dully as I leaned over, removed my cleats, and peeled off my sweat-soaked socks. "Listen Drake... Nothing happened with Emily. Absolutely nothing, I promise. I'm not interested in her, I... have someone."

"Right, your ghost," he mumbled quietly, then flipped his eyes open and studied mine for a few moments. "Sure the feeling's mutual there?"

I had no other response other than hoped I looked like I told the truth about Emily because I had. Given Harper's hasty post-sex exits, Drake probably assumed she wanted nothing else from me.

We sat side by side in silence until he finally sighed and turned his head towards me. His eyes studied mine like he looked for my intentions when he mumbled, "Sorry not to trust you Jake, but... You don't have the best track record."

"Even if it doesn't look like it, I don't screw every girl I see," I promised him with a laugh that definitely wasn't returned. At the sight of his frown, my laugh evaporated quicker than it formed. "Uhh, look Drake... If you like Emily then you should tell her."

Even though I'm pretty sure she knows. Whole fucking campus probably does.

"Easy for you to say," he mumbled quietly.

"What's the worst thing that could happen?" I stood up and grunted as I yanked off my pants and sweat-drenched cup. "If she doesn't like you then it's her fucking loss, bro."

"Great motivational words," he snapped back, closed his eyes, and leaned against the locker behind him.

"Drake..." I narrowed my eyes at him before I ripped off my jersey and unclipped my shoulder and chest pads. "Don't sell yourself short. We both know you're a good guy."

"That's the problem." His eyes flipped open, full of irritation. "Girls don't always want the good guy."

I pressed my mouth tightly closed and bit back 'the right one does' because honestly Drake looked like he just wanted solitude. Again, he sighed loudly and closed his eyes.

So instead of spewing unsolicited advice, I showered as fast as my tired muscles moved. Drake was gone by the time I returned to my open locker, so I just shook my head. I'd been on the side of unreturned feelings and it sucked.

Poor lovesick sap.

Poor lovesick sap

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