Chapter 54: Jake

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Unbelievable fell short as a description for what happened last night went with Harper. I denied the truth that she'd tied me down to my own damn bed to every nosy housemate who'd asked, which was eight guys who sat around the dining room table for breakfast.

Silently, I just shook my head and bit back the stupidass grin that threatened to make its presence known. Internally though, heat rose under my skin because she hadn't restrained my body, just fucking worshipped it.

The erection I'd woken up with this morning was beyond painful. Even after I'd stroked myself off at the memory of last night's round, both in bed then again in my post-Sunday workout shower, the relief was short-lived. My cock inflated every time I remembered the hot, textured treatment from her mouth and tongue in contrast to the cold bite of ice.

Although I could've lived without the one she shoved up my ass.

I should count my blessings that she didn't leave my ass tied to the bed.

What happened after we got out of my bed reminded me that I had more important matters I needed addressed today, intentions that were beyond past due. While I sat upright and disposed of the condom, Harper used the hallway bathroom. When my bedroom door opened, she surprised me when she returned in a pair of gray and white flannel pajamas. The sight released a stronger rush of sensations in my chest that crashed as soon as she held up one hand like she reassured me.

"Don't worry, I'm not staying. My roommate's gone but I'm going to crash when I get back."

Her words stung like she'd slapped me. The invitation that she stayed hung in my eyes as I watched while she slipped on her shoes. She noticed because she leaned over, pressed her lips against mine, and thanked me for indulging her. A loud sigh lifted my chest when the door clicked behind her.

Obviously, I have a lot more work ahead of me.

"I'm taking you out on a date tomorrow."

My words echoed through my mind as I tapped my fingers against the hood of my car. The early Sunday afternoon sun hung overhead and warmed the top of my head and forearms while I waited outside Harper's dorm room.

I'd practically rammed those words into her ear and even though she'd responded with an unenthusiastic, "Fine," I wasn't entirely sure Harper showed up.

Before I drove over here, I texted her and recommended comfortable walking shoes and casual clothes. I wasn't entirely sure how much of Los Angeles Harper had experienced but assumed time out of her dorm room and my bedroom was good for the both of us.

My heart thumped faster when Harper exited her dorm room, even with her head dipped down like she performed a walk of shame. "Hey," I called out and got a tight smile and grunt in response.

She's here though, take the small victory.

In addition to making sure Harper hadn't ghosted me for the date, I drove today because she wasn't the most... patient driver. I was pretty sure she was already frustrated with LA's traffic because every transplant here hated it initially.

Date-wise, I'd considered that Harper and I spent this afternoon at the beach. The Santa Monica Pier area reminded me a little of Santa Cruz but was much more crowded so I'd decided we needed a trip to downtown LA. Hiking or biking she wouldn't have enjoyed and while she might have been interested in a celebrity house or movie lot studio tour, today I'd arranged that we saw a different part of Los Angeles.

Twenty minutes later, the two of us stood inside LA Underground Tours. The small, ground-level business in a building downtown took me longer to find a parking spot for than the actual place.

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