something about the thunder that calls to me,
my nervous system screams in answer,
i can feel my spine tingle when it nears,
and feel the bolt moving my body towards the door,
my body ignites with it's fiery calling,
it is calling out to me, screaming my name,
using the rain as its lips. smooth soft enticing lips,
lips subtly hinting for electrifying kisses,
burning from your lips to your core,
setting flame to your soul.
the rain drenches my being,
washing away my sins,
giving way, electricity intensifying my love,
my love for nature, its cry buzzing through me,
a cry for love
As soon as it stops
i fall cold and limp to the wet forest floor,
my energy source has left me,
my bones feel incomplete,
the pain of loss engulfs me,
until the sun shines again.
and it too completes me