Idiot (Fred weasley)

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A/n: I highly suggest listening to the song I see red, or earn it! Those were the songs I was listening to while writing this 🧍🏽‍♀️

Warning: smut, degrading (kind of), teasing, daddy kink, and swearing

I can confidently say I loved Hogwarts. The friends I have are amazing, and I love my classes. Except potions, snape's a bore. But once I met Fred Weasley that all changed.

You must be saying. "Oh Fred can't be bad, he's hilarious". Well let me tell you, there's two sides of Fred. The prankster, immature side..... and my least favorite, his dumb prick side.

The next morning came in a flash. I didn't want to go too my lectures. But I had no choice in the matter.

"Ugh, Pansy I don't want to deal with Frederick today." I said with dread.

"Y/n, I know you hate him. Most of the Slytherin house does. Him and his brother always does those dreadful pranks to our house." Pansy said

"It's weird you are so much more mature than me, even though I'm 2 years older than you" I said

"I know Y/n, I know" Pansy said with a smirk

Sometimes I wish I can just smack that pretty smirk off pansy's face. But of course I won't, she's like my little sister.

As much as I don't want to go too breakfast, I can't ignore the fact that I'm starving. I swear if I see Frederick, and his stupid smirks, I will punch him.

I put on a black skirt with fish net stockings. I was far to lazy to put on my tie, so I just threw on a green sweater.

I arrive at the great hall, and guess what's the first thing I see. Actually it's not a what, it's a who. Frederick Gideon Weasley. Him with stupid bimbos surrounding him.

Oh great. Fred caught me starting at him.

Fred being Fred, smirked and started making out with one of his sluts.

I lost count on how long I was standing in place, staring at Fred giving tongue to that witch. That I didn't notice Pansy walking up to me.

"Y/n? What the fuck are you doing? Why the hell are you staring at that red git?!?" Pansy said kind of worried

"Pff, I wasn't staring." I said

"Sure, let's pretend I'm a fuckin idiot" Pansy said sarcastically

This girl can be so sarcastic sometimes. Wait how long was I actually staring at Fred? This has never happened before. Shit, I better not be catching feelings for that red headed git.

"Y/n, class is about to start. You haven't even ate breakfast come on now!" Pansy exclaimed a little to excitedly

"Ya, ya. I'm coming..." I said

I looked at Fred one last time before sitting down.

I know Pansy is going to ask questions. So I'm just going to shove food down my throat and go too class.

"Sooo, Y/n I've never seen you look at Fred like that" Pansy said with a slight smirk

"Pansy shut up" I said in a joking manor

Pansy looked at me, she smirked and started to ramble on how she thinks something's up with me and Fred.

Thank lord. Breakfast is done. I can go to class and get away from Pansy and her questions.

First class of the day, potions with Snape. Great, My favorite class.

I get to class and take a seat near the back.

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