chapter 1.

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"Goodnight, babe." he whispered as he nibbled on my ear. I squeezed my eyes shut, but then got woken up shortly after i went to sleep by a hand squeezing just a couple inches below my hips. I started to giggle "You can't go 2 minutes with out being at least 2 inches within my south end!" He starts breaking out laughing, not sure because of what I said or my choice of words, either one I'll take. "Want to bet? Time me!" I reach for my phone on the brown table next to his bed. "Ready?" he nods, and then I click the start button. About 30 seconds in I feel him inching towards me, at 1 minute and 30 seconds he's almost touching me. Right before the timer goes of he presses his fingers onto me. "You were so close jake!"
"Im sorry, there's like a magnet in me that draws me to your south end." I could tell by the way he said that. that he was mocking my choice of words from earlier. We both start cracking up. After we are done laughing, he kisses my forehead and says "goodnight." I knew wasn't gonna go without touching me so I stood ready. Right when o close my eyes I feel something on me again, it was jake. I couldn't see straight once he slid his hand down under my panties and pumped his finger in and out of me. I loved him, "I love you so much Jake," I moaned. "I know babe, I know." All the pressure building up inside of me just let loose when he dipped his head and placed his teeth gently on my collarbone, his tongue went in circles on my neck. It was all too much to handle, him sucking on my collarbone and neck and fingering me. He started to slow down, "Jake, this feels so good, it's too much right now im going to explode. It's time for me to do you."
He smiled a perverted smile and then pulled his pants down. He scooted himself to the edge of the bed and i followed and kneeled on the floor. I grabbed his length and stuck it into my mouth. I started sucking and gently licked him. I knew he was feeling so good, but then I let it out of my mouth and placed it in my hands and pumped up and down slowly. After what it felt like forever, I decided to stop this "Jake, we should get dressed." He frowned but nodded his head in agreement. After we got dressed I kissed him goodbye and drove home. It was dark and I was busy listening to music so I was distracted, before i knew it I jammed into something, a person. I literally jumped out of the car, "OH MY GOSH, are you okay, i uh-" oh my god, I just crashed into not only a person, a pretty damn gorgeous boy. "Yeah, I it wasn't too bad, can I just have a ride home and we forget this happened? Car accidents involve way too much paperwork and shit." He giggled, he giggled the most adorable giggle I have ever heard. He directed me to his house and when I dropped him off I thought, I may never see him again, and it felt like a little piece of my heart chipped off. Wait, no it didn't because I don't like him, I like Jake. No, I love jake. All I could think about was how that guy, I don't even know his name, made me feel. It felt like how I feel with Jake, wait no, it felt like how I feel when Jake and I do our intimate stuff.

(sorry this is short, and this is my first time writing so no rude comments or anything. Thank you so much for reading!)

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