Chapter 8: Date Night

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Arnold woke up to Adrian tickling him.
Arnold burst out with laughter before giggling the words "What are you doing?" in a happy cheerful tone.
Eventually Adrian stopped and said in happy tone "glad you're awake, now c'mon and eat your breakfast before we're late"
Arnold looked at the clock which read 06:45 before looking down at the table in front of the armchairs to see a plate full of potatoes and beans. An avarage martian breakfast.
Arnold pulled himself out of the bed before slipping into his ugly sector clothes.
He walked over to the armchair and asked Adrian
"when do we start work?"
Adrian looked at Arnold with a smile before saying
"Graham says we start at half past seven so hurry up and eat"
Arnold quickly finished his breakfast before leaving the cabin with Arnold.
They had to wear gas masks with oxygen tanks when the air was this bad.
Orange clouds covered the area around them like a thick fog.
They walked for about fifteen minutes before they reached the bases
They were all identical stone buildings with three floors.
The base number was spray painted onto the side of the building.
Arnold hugged Adrian before they both separated and went into the different bases.
Adrian into base 6 and Arnold into base 10.

Arnold pushed through the heavy metal door before closing it behind him.
He took off his dirty mask which he could barely see through.
What he saw stunned him for a moment.
The walls were artistic all around with murals and signatures painted onto them.
The lights were glowing crystals hanging from the ceiling.
A man with dark brown hair in a pink suit with a yellow bowtie walked up to Arnold shook his hand and said
"you must be Arnold. And what are you wearing?"
The man looked at Arnold as if he was wearing vomit.
Arnold gave the man a stern look.
The man replied quickly
"sorry I forgot that you don't get to choose your outfit on your first workday."
Arnold could tell this was the fashion department. Paradise.

Arnold got to know the team.

Greg was the young boy with teal hair, freckles on his cheeks, and deep brown eyes. He was the expert on sportswear.

Hannah was the old woman with grey and purple hair, grey eyes, and her face was covered in make-up. She was the dress expert who made dresses for special occasions.

Carlos who was the man who greeted him, he was in his late thirties. He was the expert in accessories.

It turned out Arnold had been invited to the fashion department. The team explained to Arnold that your job gets chosen by your talent.
So that means that Adrian will probably be in the music department.

Carlos showed Arnold what his dial did.
Apparently the dial was a tool that helped gave him the nessacery equipment for making fashion.
Each dial button is how you control it.
Arnold quickly learned how to use his dial.

After Arnold got fully comfortable with the dial a paper slip was handed to him
It read:
NAME: Arnold Speartop
DATE: 23/11/3021
TASK: Create a new uniform for the Scottish soldiers
DUE DATE: 02/12/3021
ASSIGNED BY: Queen of Scotland. Marlyn Gaytes

"better get to work then" said Arnold
Arnold was shown his own little work space
It had a nice little seat in the centre with a table in front of it.
The walls glowed from their engraved neon lights.
Arnold sat down on the seat and pulled out his dial.
he spun one of the dials round and a large holographic sowing machine placed itself upon the table.
Arnold was told that he could use it like a normal sowing machine it would just feel different.
Arnold placed his hand on the holographic sowing machine. He felt a fuzzy static feeling go up his arm. It was honestly quite relaxing.
He retracted the machine back inside the dial.
He left his work space and collected some paper for his design.
He returned and sat down.
He was used to designing suits, not uniforms so this was new for him.
Surprisingly Arnold found designing uniforms to be really easy.
He had sketched a stylish lavish design.
A light blue [material] long coat with white swirls upon it to keep that Scottish colour.
He made it have a clear plastic waterproof layer on top of it.
The trousers were a navy red, green and blue tartan design.
The boots were large black leather ones with fur coating on the inside.
The tops were a bright blue design with white X cross that wrapped around it.

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