Chapter 1 (Rewritten version of ch 1,2,3): Escaping

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                                                                           Author's note

the original chapter 1, 2 and 3 will be removed a couple days after this rewritten chapter is published

"We're all just stories in the end" the history teacher explained as she briefed the basics of history class
Arnold, a 15 year old boy with brown hair, with a Scottish/English accent, green eyes and a great sense for fashion was sat at he back of the classroom. The soft cushion chair helped relax him.
Arnold found it quite unnecessary that mars made kids come to school. All the other planets humans inhabited used virtual reality schools which they connected to from school.

A skinny woman in red high heels and dressed in a black robe. Her white hair hung down to her shoulders, it had thick black streaks through it, almost like a zebra.
She walked up to the front of the class and gestured the students to put on their VR suits. The class obeyed the teacher and pressed a button on the wrist of their golden uniform which changed the color of their uniform to neon blue. They then slipped on their reality goggles and stared into a white void.
Her voice echoed into the void,
"we will be learning about the 3 time markers, BC, AD and IC"
she announced in her soft Mexican accent.
Arnold's screen showed a popup directly in front of every him asking him to create or choose an avatar. The avatars consisted of a large variety of preset characters ranging from batman to a shark. Arnold used his custom character with purple spikey hair, a simple pink hoodie and soft black trousers.
The teacher's voice could be heard again echoing throughout the void in which they stood.
"BC stands for before Christ"
The void surrounding Arnold suddenly transformed into a hilly landscape with castles and cobble paths underneath him became a kingdom from medieval times.
The teacher explained in a soft tone, "In BC we count the years backwards because we don't know when the start of the earth was and we never will."
"miss?" said a random kid in class
"yes?" she replied in a quick harsh tone.
"What's Christ?" asked the student
"Christ was the name for Jesus Christ who introduced Christianity into the world of earth" she answered calmly
"He showed the earlier generations of humans how to be better people and taught them to believe in a god as well heaven and hell."
"anyways if we now skip to AD, which stands for 'Anno Domini' which translates to the years of our lord. This was after Jesus was born. These were the years that earth used till 3150 which was when the planet got evacuated."
The green hills shifted and became more grey, and tall skyscrapers rose upwards around Arnold.
Arnold felt amazed by the magnificent sights of the 21st century city.
Arnold wondered what happened during these times, so he asked in a soft, polite voice,
"miss, what actually happened in these years because you're just telling us what they are and telling us what the letters stand for, but not actually telling us what happened during these times, like events and stuff" Arnold said aloud.
"that is because we will be learning events based on centuries, and throughout the year, we will split the things we learn into three categories; BC, AD, and IC" The teacher responded quickly
"anyways let's continue. IC means interstellar Civilization. This was when we left earth and reshaped 7 planets within this solar system and the Solar system next to ours."
"Tomorrow we will be learning about BC history."
The virtual reality simulation shut down to a white void again.
A popup appeared on in front of Arnold, he swiftly pressed exit and his uniform reverted back to normal. He took his virtual reality goggles off.
The teacher stood at the front of the classroom and announced in a calm tone,
"class dismissed"

A tall white smooth marble and glass house sat majestically by the side of the beach, in a mountainous valley full of steep green hills, mountains lined the valley in a semi circle along the land till it reached the soft teal shore.
A black car drove through a dark tunnel in the mountain. 
The car exited the gloomy tunnel and entered the majestic valley, the car drove toward the tall house steadily.
The car parked up beside the tall house and powered down
The car doors glided upwards and Arnold exited the car and approached the door.
He casually opened the door and entered his house.

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