It's a busy day for Sumaya. She works in a small cafe in a small town in Pennsylvania. Everyone from that area knows that cafe. They adore Sumaya because she is always sweet to them. It was end of autumn season winter is coming so people from there loved to spend some time in that cafe drinking hot coffee.
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Sumaya was about to place the food on the table for the customers suddenly her phone rings and she excused herself from there and went inside the kitchen Sumaya : know it's a busy week for me. You can't call me in the middle of my work.
Rodoshi : Damn boo chill. I was worried about you that's why I wanted to check on you :(
Sumaya : I know I'm so sorry bae but the work pressure is killing me.
Rodoshi : You shouldn't pressure yourself that much and I hate how the other girls makes you do all the stuffs while they only sit and do nothing.
Sumaya : I can't do anything about it. The owner of this cafe loves and trust me so much I can't break her heart by leaving.
Rodoshi : I can understand sis but make sure you don't pressure yourself too much and if you want me to help you can call me whenever you want I'll be there for you.
Sumaya : You're the best my little sis <3 Alright I gotta go they need me. Talk to you later.
Rodoshi : Alright. Text me when you can meet me. Bye.
*Back to work*
Sumaya was taking order of customers suddenly a tall, fit with all black cloths guy and a fat guy with him walked in.
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Sumaya glanced at him just 1 time but didn't pay much attention ~After couple of minutes
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He turned to Sumaya and said - " Excuse me.." Sumaya turned to him at she was amazed to see such a handsome guy but she didn't let it show
Sumaya : " Y-yes sir? How can I help you?" ??? : " Can I have black coffee with just half spoon sugar and-
Suddenly the fat guy interrupted him Fat guy : " I want 5 cheesecakes with extra cream"
The guy in black shouted at him making both Sumaya and the fat guy flinch
??? : " SHUT UP ! Don't ever say something while I'm speaking"
Sumaya looked kind of scared and awkward at the same time
Sumaya : " uh..Sir..your order..?"
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The guy looked at Sumaya at sighed ??? : " I'm sorry it's 5 cheesecakes and 1 strong black coffee" The fat guy smiled at him and looked at Sumaya Fat guy : " Don't mind him. He loves me hehe" ??? : " Will you shut up?"
Sumaya looked at them and smile she sound it both funny and cute. Sumaya : " Thank you. Your order will be here after 6 or 7 minutes"
Sumaya went to the kitchen to make black coffee but she couldn't stop thinking about the guy.
~Sumaya's POV There's something about that guy it is pulling me towards him. He has a very handsome face and a fit masculine body. The way he walked in and he is sitting is attractive. He has a deep soothing voice but what's his name? I should've asked him. Wait wait no no what if he will think I'm a creep. ~End of Sumaya's POV Sumaya was deep in her thoughts until the coffee maker made a sound that brought her to reality She quickly poured the coffee to a mug and went the fridge for cheesecakes
She was walking towards them ~???'s POV She has a nice body and the way she walks is so satisfying to watch. End of ???'s POV
Sumaya : "Here's your order please enjoy" *smiles* ??? : " Thank you so much"
~Sumaya's POV Does this guy ever smiles? I smiled at him and he just ignored. Okay cool. And this gray guy already started eating so quickly. Slow down buddy your food ain't flying to Canada. ~End of Sumaya's POV
It was 11pm and it was getting so cold outside The guy paid the bill and left with the fat guy
Sumaya was closing the cafe after she cleans the tables But suddenly she noticed that someone left their wallet on the table. She wanted to know who's wallet is this. She opened it and saw a photo of the guy in black but he looked way younger than now and his name is Wu Yifan (Kris). ~Sumaya's POV Oh so his name is Kris. I have to return it to him before he gets too far. ~End of Sumaya's POV
She ran after him in the cold night. She reached at the parking spot there she saw both of them getting in his car She shouted his name Sumaya : " Yifan"
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He turned his head to Sumaya and frowned Sumaya slowly walked towards him Kris : " Wait, I never told you my name..Did I?
Sumaya : " Sorry it was on you ID. You forgot your wallet in the cafe I came here to return it to you"
Fat guy : " You are lying just say that you are fan you need an autograph or picture with him. Why are you creating fake dramas for attention?"
Sumaya was stunned by the fat guy's words
Sumaya : " Excuse me? What are you talking about?"
Fat guy : " Yeah sure that's what every fan girl does I've seen it quite few times don't act clueless"
Sumaya looked at Kris with pleading eyes But it seemed like Kris also believed the same
Sumaya : " You know what? You can go to hell and here's your wallet. I didn't know that I will face this kind of treatment from stranger when I did nothing but helped"
She left the place in such a rush feeling insulted.