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~In the car

Kris : what do you want to eat?

Sumaya : Chinese?

Kris : cool let's go.

They both went to a restaurant. After eating he dropped her at her house. Someone took their picture and posted on social media.

There was news on social media "Kris Wu is with a mysterious model in a restaurant"  Sumaya saw this and got scared.

Sehun saw this and immediately called Sumaya

Sehun : Is this girl you?

Sumaya : listen I can explain

Sehun : you know sumaya this is cheating

Sumaya : what are you talking about Sehun?

Sehun : you went behind my back with that jackass

Sumaya : trust me it's was just a friendly lunch

Sehun : out of all these people you just had to go with him?

Sumaya : he is my friend babe

Sehun : you cheated on me.

Sumaya : I didn't I swear babe try to understand

Sehun : you know what ? we are done

Sumaya : babe..

Sehun : don't call me that anymore. Goodbye to your career also.

Sumaya : i can't believe you Sehun.

Sehun : go cry somewhere else you bitch. After all this I've done for you you ungrateful whore

Sumaya : how dare you? You're a piece of shit don't ever call me again.

Sehun : who even wants to call you.

Sumaya cut the call. Out of frustration she was laying on her bed. She felt so disgusted tears falling down from her eyes. Suddenly she heard knocking from her window. She got up and saw kris standing there. She opened the window.

Sumaya: what do you want?

Kris : let me in

Sumaya : no please go away.

Kris : Im sorry you got in trouble because of me.

Sumaya : you don't know what just happened

Kris got inside and asked her what happened
She told everything to him

Kris : that bastard. I know him he's always does the same thing.

Sumaya : now what I lost my career and my dream is broken

Kris : I can sign you up in my company.

Sumaya : really? But it would look weird

Kris : no it won't trust me everything is gonna be alright. You're gonna show him that you don't need him anymore.

Sumaya : thanks a lot Kris.

Later she signed the contract with him.

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