(Instantly) Lovable.

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a/n: I'm gonna try to make it better and longer, I know the first chapter was kinda uh bad lol

You had just been waken up by your alarm clock again, which kind of annoyed you as usual but you decided not to beat it up since you were in a good mood. You turned it off, and got out of bed. You put on a nice outfit since it was picture day today, you didn't like taking pictures but you did like getting all dressed up and stuff since you don't usually get an occasion to. Obviously you didn't go all out with a suit and tie, but you did pick some nice clothes that would look good for the school yearbook.

(You can picture whatever outfit you want since I know if I pick something you might not like it)

You went downstairs, seeing your mom cooking some breakfast like she does for you everyday. You saw your pet cat Rowan meowing happily, jumping towards you. You picked him up.

"Good morning Rowan"

You smiled, petting the black cat. He was your most favorite cat ever, of course.

"Oh, and good morning mom. Thanks for the breakfast as usual"

"Good morning! And of course, I'm happy to do it."

You smiled at her as well, and sat down at the table.

"Well you look all fancy today, what's the occasion?"

"Oh just some school pictures, not a big deal"

She put down the food she made, it being bacon with pancakes. There was some eggs fried in the background but you don't like eggs (if you do, you weren't in the mood for them). You ate the food, not quickly but decently fast so that you could get to school on time. Soon enough, you grabbed your things, heading out the door and saying goodbye to your mom. As you closed the door, you weren't looking in front of you and..


You fell on someone. Specifically Peter.

"Oh gosh! I'm so sorry- I- Peter..?"

"Oh-- haha..hi..it's fine.."

He was blushing, and you probably were too. You landed right on top of him. And, not in an inappropriate position, but an awkward one nonetheless. You quickly got yourself off of him as soon as you realized the position you were in, blushing.

"Haha let's..forget that happened, anyways, how come you're here..?"

"Oh uh, I just wanted to know if you wanted to walk to school together.."

"Oh of course! That'd be great.."


Peter smiled at you. He looks, really cute to be honest. Especially when he smiles. That's probably the most gay thing you've ever thought but you didn't really care. You both walked to school together, talking about things. You never really thought you'd talk to him before, but you kind of enjoyed talking to him. Eventually, you decided to ask him why he wanted to walk with you instead of one of his friends.

"Oh w-well uhm...I just kind of wanted to get to know you better, but uhm, it's also because none of my other friends live close enough by to walk with them.."


"Other friends? Do you consider me your friend?.."

"O-oh uhm, yeah I do, or uhm kind of I guess I mean, we can be friends if you w-want"

You smiled at him. 

"You're stuttering is cute haha"

You covered your mouth, not realizing you said that out loud. You could see him blushing, and looking away in embarrassment.

Double Identities ( Spiderman / Peter Parker x Male! Reader )Where stories live. Discover now