Part 3: Our first date.

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Jessica's POV: "Cayden where are we going?" I asked because he didn't tell me.

"It's a surprise." He said

" I don't normally like surprises but I guess I can like them for you." I sarcastically said.

He stopped the car and told me to stay where I was he got out and opened the door for me.

" such a gentleman." After I said that I couldn't help but laugh.

He picked me up and carried me bridal style to the door of the movie theater and I kissed him on the cheek.We went into the theater he covered my ears and got our tickets he really doesn't want me to know what we're doing we got some popcorn and candy then he covered my eyes as we walked to our station at the movies.

I sat down and asked what movie we were seeing.

" I'm not telling you you'll just have to wait."

" can I at least know the genre."

He said one word that made me giggle." Romance."

We sat at the very back of the room so that we could have or privacy even though there was only four other couples there.He put his arm around my shoulder when the movie started it is an old move but I snuggled up on his arm any way. The movie wasn't very good but I enjoyed being with him.After the movie I expected him to just take me to my house but I was wrong.

"Now where are we going?" I asked.

"I love how curious you are." He said

"I love you." I said

"Wow our first date and you're already in love with me."

"Admit it you love me too." I said playfully.

" Ok,ok I love you Jessica."

"So where are we going?"

"Dinner." I hate when he's gives one word answers.

" Can you be a little more specific?"

"Just wait and see Jess." Wait did he just call me jess?

" Um when did you start calling me that?"

" stop asking so many questions. Haven't you ever heard the phrase curiosity killed the cat?"

"Yes but..." He cut me off and said we're here.

I could tell the restaurant was fancy and I was not dressed for the occasion.I had jeans with holes in them and a light blue shirt.

"Reservation for two he said,last name Johnson."

He was my boyfriend and that's the first time I heard his last name.We ate dinner and talked then he dropped me off at home.Before he left I kissed him on the was our first real kiss. We were interrupted by my best friends who came all the way from Miami to see me.

" Ok babe I got to you."

"Love you too,see you at school."

"who's that Brittany asked?"

"My boyfriend his name is Caden."

"Wow two weeks here and you already have a boyfriend."

"come on Brittany give her a break." Ashley said.

" come on guys I'll tell you all about him inside.
A/N: so you meet some new characters do you like them? Don't forget to comment and vote if you liked my third chapter.if you see any spelling errors comment those too.I'm going to be skipping days to work on school work soon .

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