Number One and Twenty-Seven

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DISCLAIMER: there will be mature content in here. Entertainment purposes only, read at your own discretion. Apologizing for typos ahead of time..
Yeji loved the ocean. Loved the soft yet noisy waves slushing against the sand. Loved her feet sinking into softness while she walked near the dampness close. Loved how when she looked out into the waves there was nothing but sky and endless blue, perhaps a sail. Loved the smell of salt and the wind hugging her form.

But, she could not describe the high obtained when she'd surf on the waves. Ride them with ease while metaphysical emotions trickled her veins. Her orange hair turning dark when she'd freely fall into the sea, letting the liquid roll her up to shore. Today, however, she was doing no such thing. She was sitting at a small outdoor bar near her towel set up. One of her closest friends, Lia, trying to convince her to surf in an upcoming competition.

"Oh come on Yeji, you're an amazing surfer, there's no way you won't get top three." Lia said, sipping on her drink a bit too quickly.

"I don't know... I don't want to humiliate myself if I mess up." Yeji sighed, liking the sun beating against her wet skin. It felt warm, it felt comforting.

"That's if, and in my opinion the chances of you messing up are low."

"Alright, let me rephrase that, when I mess up-" Lia interuppted, giving her a playful slap on the arm. Their relationship was like that, silly, playful, but also serious when needed. Lia had to leave not long later, having texted Yeji all the information about the competition.

"First, second, third all get up to a grand.. huh." Yeji hummed, suddenly interested. Sometimes she just needed a little motivation.

"Alright, everyone please remember to get your contestant number at THIS booth, not the one you sign in at... Some people can't read the sign apparently." A comical announcer said, a little frustrated about the number of people that asked him where to get a number.

Yeji was there early, ended up being number twenty-seven. She hasn't seen anyone else with low numbers in a while, and she hasn't seen the first three people to arrive either. She was hoping to, as people that get there early are probably experienced. She adjusted her wet suit, silently labeling everyone in a two piece as dumb. With the waves that she was seeing right now, it'd be easy for something to slip off.

"Hey Yeji, did you see the first three here? They're so cool looking. I think they came here together." Lia said, pouncing over with a bounce to her step. That same sunshine smile on her face.

"I- no I didn't, why? Where are they? Are they any good?" Yeji panicked, frantically looking around. Lia chuckled, pointing to a few towels and umbrellas set up near the lifeguard tower. Yeji felt stupid as to not notice the surfboards, custom designs, next to the three laying on their stomachs. They were all young, seemed athletic. One looked up, and their eyes caught.

Her eyes were so brown, almost black. Even from a distance Yeji could tell how deep they were. They matched her raven-hair well. Yeji didn't seem to know she was staring so intensely until the girl smirked at her. Lia had been trying to get her to snap out of it for a few seconds.
She did, a blush on her face.

"Oh no no no. You cannot be serious. Her? Really?" Lia said, knowing that Yeji having attraction would probably cause her to become way too self conscious during the soon to be starting competition. Or even too cocky and daring.

"I didn't even say anything." Yeji raised her hands, deflecting.

"Exactly my point. Come on Yej, don't worry about it. If you try to show off you'll end up face first in someone else's board." Lia said, grabbing Yeji and leading her out of the three's view.
Yeji couldn't shake her face. Handsome yet feminine, her lips round and her jawline sharp. She was attractive, and that smirk, my gosh.

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