Sno: Devil's Lone Wolf

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*3rd person*

It's been 10 years since Devin or De'zel went into hell and he's changed a lot in that time. He was about ready to do a blood ritual to get rid of the true alpha part of him when Doot and Daat ran in. They tugged at Devin's arm and Devin sighed knowing he'll have to get to this later.

He walked with the two until he got to someone. A werewolf hidding in the library.

*De'zel's pov*

"Hello?" I asked and the werewolf looked up he had been crying but from how he was here I immediately knew that this wolf had done.

"Just who are you and why are you here?" I asked

" name's Bryan and I didn't want to get caught by the wild hunt." Bryan said

I immediately recognized him. A werewolf from Packhaven, his pack must have disbanded or have been killed and now he's gone to such lengths to bring his soul to hell. His physical body is still technically in danger but he must not know this.

"Please don't make me go back." Bryan said.

"You do realize you can't stay here. Actually how long have you been here?" I asked

"I...I don't know." Bryan said and I thought about it.

"Your going to have to go back unless your here to make deals." I said and Bryan looked like he would freak out.

"No! Please don't I'll do anything but go back!" He cried desperate eyes looking at me with a fear

"You'll do anything?" I asked in a slight serious tone.

Bryan blinked at me and thought about it.

"Anyways better then the wild hunt at this point to me." Bryan said.

"Alright. I may have a use for you. However you are going to have to go back to your body that way I can find it." I said

"You promise to get me?" Bryan asked.

"Yes." I said handing Bryan a slip of paper.

"Draw that on the ground if you can." I said and Bryan held onto it tightly.

"Ok " Bryan said before I sent him back up.

"Doot, Daat, looks like we'll be getting another companion." I said walking off.

I waited a bit before seeing the spot. Bryan had drawn the image I gave him and I smiled as I touched that spot and left to the portal. I walked through it and ended up right next to Bryan who looked surprised. He definitely looked a lot worst here then in hell

"Come on." I said and Bryan got up looking back at a wolf.

"Thank you for your protection." Bryan said and the wolf nodded before howling and disappearing.

I walked through with Bryan and and Bryan didn't say a word. I closed the gate and took him to Doot and Daat to let them clean him up.

I walked back to my office and started to do some prep stuff. If my idea goes as I want it well,....not if it will go as I want and I'll make sure of it.

Doot knocked on the door and I looked up to see Daat and Bryan at the doorway but Daat was pressing a towel on Bryan's side. I walked over and gave them bandages since I could tell it was most likely a wound that Bryan had.

I watched Daat remove the towel and a I looked at the nasty slash across Bryan's side. It's deep enough to leave a very visible scar.the wrapped him up then went to his arm which also got a huge slash on it.

"When your done with that leave Bryan here and take care of the library organization." I said and both Doot and Daat nodded as they finished and they ran off.

"...thank you." Bryan said

"Heh ya but now that your here I want you to sign something." I said grabbing a pen and gave it to Bryan before snapping my fingers and a contract formed in front of Bryan.

"It's a simple contract. You work for me and follow my orders and I'll let you live here." I said

"So basically become a servant?" Bryan said

"You could say but most people don't like it worded like that." I said and Bryan signed his name on the paper.

"Very well. Your soul now belongs to me." I said and the contract faded away.

"I did say anything was better then the wild hunt." Bryan said

"I can see why." I said as Bryan stood up.

"Before you go I want you to sit right here." I said point a spot I made on the floor for him.

"Umm ok?" Bryan said and he walked over and sat in it and I went and blindfolded him.

"Alright don't move from that spot. I have to make sure you, stay here." I said as I started the ritual.

I can definitely tell Bryan wasn't prepared for this but that's ok he held it in very well, and as the ritual came to it's end I had fully gotten what I wanted.

When I looked at Bryan I'll admit I wasn't expecting the side effect that came with all this. Well I geuss I can kinda officially call Bryan a true alpha demon.

I removed the blindfold and looked at Bryan who looked at me and I smiled. He blinked at me slightly dully but color returned.

"Hello can you tell me what you remember about everything?" I asked just to make sure things didn't affect him to badly since I could tell he almost passed out midway of the ritual.

"I...I remember the wild hunt, meet you, my-" Bryan stopped.

"What's my name?" Bryan asked and I would be surprised but I'm not.

"You don't remember your name?" I asked as I thought of something. Since he's working for me now why not give him a name, I'll try to keep his original name but with some slight changes.

"No I don't." Bryan said

"Alright. Your name is Bry or B got it?" I asked and B looked at me.

"Ok, Bry or B." He said repeating me.

"Yes and you are a true alpha demon, a servant of hell."

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