Chapter 2. Ondina

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The drive home was lonely and quiet. I actually really enjoyed everything about tonight and it scares me. I'm supposed to kill him, not date him. I just need to clear my head and think about how I can plan out everything perfectly.

As I pulled up into my driveway I saw an upstairs light on that I knew for sure I turned off. I quietly turned off my car and got out. As I walked closer to the door I heard rushed footsteps coming down the stairs with someone that wasn't too far behind. When I knew it was clear to open my door I made sure to be as humanly quiet as I possibly could, because one wrong step and there would probably be a bloodbath, but who am I kidding there already was going to be one.

I heard noises coming from my office and I slowly pulled out my gun and walked toward the door very quietly. Each step was more rushed then the last, as I was about to turn towards the office I heard one of the guys say "where the hell could it be we have been looking for this hard drive for over two hours how can it be hidden this well if we have to now check every room again for it" it was amusing to hear him get frustrated so I decided right now was the bat time to pop around the corner and say "That's a good question, but did it ever occur to you that I might have the hard drive on me and not around my house?" I had a guess of what hard drive they were trying to find but I wasn't positive for sure if it was the one I'm thinking of, but their reactions of seeing me were quite definitely shocked and even then shocked may have been an understatement. "Now that I have your undivided attention i'd like to know WHY THE HELL YOU ARE IN MY HOUSE and if I don't get answers soon or I don't like the answers one of you will die and the other will be paralyzed from the neck down and possible blindness so I suggest you speak up NOW!"

The guy on the left who asked why it was taking long spoke first he said "Our boss wanted the hard drive. He knew you were helping out the spades and wanted to take them down. He sent us here to reach it and give it to him before midnight tonight" "See now that was easy, but sadly you already failed your boss it's 12:13am right now so how about I make this quick you guys tell him a white lie for why you don't have what he wants or I kill your families in front of you, you pick you can do that or you can have the hard drive, but you have to play a game to get it and if you lose you die I think that's fair don't you, an extra chance to not double fail your boss in the same night"

They both looked like they just sh!t there pants, but came to a mutual agreement on what they were going to do. The guy on the right spoke this time "If we win the game we'll leave here in peace right?" "That depends on if you're fast" they looked at eachother once more and both said "we'll play the game" "oh goodie this will be fun, so what you are going to be doing is your going to go and find a hiding spot around the house i'll be nice and give you a minute to hide since you seem to have already been around once and if I don't find you within let's say 8 minutes then you win, but here's the best part if I find one of you before the time ends you'll be saying bye-bye to your life. Though the other still has a chance to win and get back to your boss. Now you'll need to be fast because your going to have to think fast and don't try to leave I have my alarm set to where if you leave i'll be notified immediately. Now that you know the rules you may hide and I wish you the best because one wrong move and your gone for good."

After the minute was up I set the timer for 8 minutes like I said I would and I started my search. I have a two story house that has four bedrooms, five bathrooms, three full ones and two half baths. I have a lounge area, office, living room, workout room, a full kitchen, a bar, a storage room and last but not least a small kitchen upstairs.

I searched the whole first floor or so I thought, I knew I didn't check storage I was going to check there last, but as I was about to go upstairs I saw a figure just barely showing in there behind the living room.

As I got closer I heard a silence. It was quiet, but it wasn't quiet enough. I went to the back of the storage room and one of the boxes was down on the floor and I was positive that I had it up high before.

As I was about to turn around to face the door I heard a very silent sigh and guess what it was a hopeful sigh. I almost feel bad for killing him, almost. I turned back around and sliced his throat wide open. I saw him choking on his blood and decided to shoot him in between the eyes. It was a mesmerizing sight, one that I could always love and never forget.

I saw that I only had three minutes left and decided that was enough watching and started going up the stairs. Each room looked the same with a few differences since the guys were looking around, but I Noticed my door was closed and not even an inch open like the others were. I had a minute left and went in. My bed looked fine, my room was normal but my closet wasn't. I went in and in the back corner that you could just barely miss I saw shoes that were too big for me and I went over. He looked at me terrified and I said "should have hidden better" I sliced his throat and just let him bleed to death. Watching him choke on his own blood.

I called a few old friends to help me clean up the mess and after a few hours of dealing with everything I was finally able to go to bed. Today was an eventful day and what a wonderful stressful way to end the day.
1205 words
Hope you guys enjoy I wanted to make it longer since I made the first one a bit shorter I'll try to give atleast 2 chapters out a week but I can't promise I'll be able to I'll try to set the days to where it will be out exactly but anyways bye hope you have a good night or day 😁😁

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