O15. → intrusive thoughts! and also a breakup.

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intrusive thoughts! oh, and also a breakup. 

may 20, 2021 - intrusive thoughts

ITALICS: a flashback, memories

BOLD: invasive/intrusive thoughts

NORMAL: counter thoughts

"love you," timothée told her before he drifted off to bed that night.

"night," she replied.

and though she fell asleep quickly, haley couldn't help waking up in the middle of the night. it had been happening for days, and somehow, the silence of darkness had become the scheduled meeting place of her intrusive thoughts.

now, haley read a book that called those thoughts 'invasives', and from then on made a point to call them that every time. she hated them with a passion because they always caused her to be at war with herself.

that night was no exception. she woke up in the early morning, and turned to her side to see timothée lying there, his messy curls artfully strewn across his forehead and a calm look of peace settled on his face.

you don't deserve him.

i know i don't but i'm glad to have him love me :)

he doesn't love you.

he does, he said so before bed.

he said it five times in the past week.

yeah, so?

how come you haven't said it back at all?



you're just my thoughts you're just my thoughts you don't exist you're not real this is all a lie you're all just intrusives please leave

aren't you scared?

... why?

you know that this was what happened before with alex, what if it happens again?

never in a million years because timothee and alex are VERY different people.

this is how it started with alex, remember? you're feeling like everything's perfect and it's gonna last forever.

this is different. i have a good feeling about this.

maybe too good a feeling. how would you know if he's gonna be staying around? he's an actor, haley, he's bound to break your heart at some point.

no, but--

it's called self preservation. spare yourself.


i miss you, i'm sorry → timothée chalamet.Where stories live. Discover now