O16. → new year's eve

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new year's eve

december 31, 2021 - new year's day

"HANG ON!" bellowed haley. she was in the middle of rolling a batch of cinnamon rolls to be placed in the oven when a loud knocking on the door interrupted her thoughts. she knew who it was, of course. she just wanted to make kayla wait a little longer.

the knocking didn't let up.

"alright, alright, i'm COMING!" haley called, annoyed as she shuffled towards the door, hands dusted with flour.

"dude, i was freezing my fucking tits off out there, a little more consideration next time?" kayla asked, brushing by and dropping her bags, scarf and all onto the floor.

"dude," mimicked haley, "wear a bra."

"now why the hell would i do that when i could look like a classy, sexy parisian with my blouse half buttoned?"

"oh, i dunno, maybe because it's like thirty degrees outside? what else would you expect to your tits except freeze?" haley asked as she hunched over her rolls once more.

"where have you been this christmas?" kayla asked, slumping on the couch.

"i've been here the whole time!" haley exclaimed, shoving her baking pan into the oven. "spent it with rora, theo, james, and the rest of their family at their home," she explained. "cole spent his with bella and charlie in los angeles and zendaya's in london with tom right now, i think."

"and your brother?"

"sweden. what about you, your grandpa hasn't been answering his door for awhile so i figured he might be out?"

"yeah, we met up with mom and dad in florida. there was tension because i was there, god forbid their republican friends richer than them find out about their lesbian daughter," kayla scoffed. "so we had a christmas dinner there if you could even call it that and we left on the first plane outta there."

"ah." haley cleared her throat. what the hell would a person say to that? "i'm sorry?"

"i'm not. i hated every bit of it. and since grandpa's in brooklyn hanging with his posh stylist friends, i chose to go here." she concluded. "what've you been doing?"

"well, i plan to release an album in the next year, so i'm working on a couple more songs for that," haley said as she dusted off the flour on her pants. "i want it to be the only music i'll ever release. it's gonna be quite long anyways since some songs are from, like two to three years ago."

"ever?" kayla repeated.

"well, i dunno for sure, but for now that's my aim. maybe a couple of collabs here and there but nothing as major as this."


"i'm planning to release twenty songs in it." haley added casually.

"hey your phones ringing... wait what??"

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