O33. → finally!

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!!! press play on the vid ^^ when you see  * start *  in the middle of the book <3

february 9, 2023 ( 1 year & 9 months after ) - the next day

"no, i don't want valentino, vuitton, or even gucci. i'm telling you, i spoke with the designers awhile ago and we decided on paolo sebastian. not prada." she said firmly. "talk to the guys from paolo sebastian for me, please? alright, bye." haley got off the phone with robert as she kicked her flat's front door shut. she held a dark pink colored drink in hand, two tote bags on her arms that weren't there when she left, and a brown paper bag that had the starbucks insignia flashing across the front.

"hello." she greeted timothée, upon seeing him using his phone in the kitchen. "i got us dinner. want some?" she asked, taking out some of the takeout. "came from a fitting at alainn's local place to plan the oscars outfit, and robert wants it to be something super glamorous even though i don't really wanna work with those big brands. who're you going with?"

"i called haider ackermann and he's willing to come up with something with tom ford which is amazing since they're like two of my favorite brands." he replied. "and probably some cartier in there too, i'm not exactly sure yet but i texted brian to make some calls."

haley nodded, untying the pink scarf from around her neck and setting it down on the table as she sat and unzipped her puffy purple jacket.

"did you really go out in those?" timmy asked her, pointing at the pajama pants she had on that were covered with cartoon mice.

"it's called fashion. anyways, i went thrifting and you'd be glad to know i redeemed myself with what i bought. also, i was there for like a whole hour before paparazzi showed up." haley said proudly. she went on to display the two mugs she got, a pair of old sunglasses, a cute cropped t-shirt, a floral dress, a printed blouse, a crocheted hat, a mirror, and the two tote bags they came back in.

"you really went on a full-on shopping haul." he remarked, observing her new purchases. "how much did you spend on these?"

"i actually don't remember."

"must've been expensive, then."

"it probably was." she answered honestly, taking a sip from her drink.

"what even is that?" he asked. "i hope it's not zendaya's matcha—"

"does this look like matcha to you?" she asked, shoving the drink in his face, laughing. "it's hibiscus tea, try it."

hesitantly, timothée took a sip, his eyes widening. "is that...?"

"pomegranate pearls." haley confirmed. "they're great, aren't they? really just pop in your mouth, it's great."

i miss you, i'm sorry → timothée chalamet.Where stories live. Discover now