6. Filming

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February 21, 2018.

I had always wanted to visit Germany ever since I was a kid. The history and the culture just pulled me in. It's really amazing how much you have to travel when you're an actor. We started shooting for our film a few weeks ago. Everything was going well.  I was finally doing what I always wanted to do. I just hope my debut is good enough to make it into the industry.

Everyone was so supportive, the director was amazing and also really kind. The cast was great. I think they're just being nice to me because I'm new.. But I'm truly grateful anyway.

Right now I was in my trailer, getting my hair and makeup done. I'm playing the role of 'Kate Goldberg' who is married to 'Harry Goldberg' played by Daniel. Harry is a photographer and Kate a housewife who dearly loves her husband. However this love is not shared. Harry is always away from home and loves his work way more than he loves his wife. As much as it breaks her heart, Kate can do nothing about it. But that changes when someone else enters her life.. And that's 'Ethan' , played by Cillian Murphy.

Cillian and I had been getting along really well. He helped me practice my lines before a scene almost every time. I think we've gotten closer overtime. We often grabbed dinner together after work.

"Emilia the set's ready! " A crew member, Jessie shouted from outside my trailer. "Well we're done as well. " Joey, the hairstylist replied immediately. He gave me a small smile through the mirror and gave my shoulder a small pat which was my cue to get up.

I nodded and got out of my trailer and walked to the set.  The cameras were all set up. I saw Christopher talking to the cameraman as I entered. As soon as he saw me he told me to stand at the window and look outside with a phone pressed to my ear. Just as it was in the script.

"And.. Action! " Yelled Christopher.

"I know.. I just thought we would have more time. I've never felt like this before Ethan... I'm happy now. I'm way happier than I've ever been before."

My fingers gently played with the fabric of the curtain as I spoke the words.

"I really like you.. I guess. " My voice cracked. "Would you like to come over for dinner tonight? It'll just be me and you. My husband left for Italy yesterday morning... Uh that would be nice. See you later! " I hanged up and took a deep breadth. A small smile creeping onto my face. I immediately put the phone on the table and sat on the couch leaning my head backwards so I could look up at the ceiling and closed my eyes.

"CUT! " the director yelled.

"That was great! I think this is the final cut then." He said to me. I got up from the couch and made my way to my trailer. "Hey Emi, great scene that one. " I turned to see Cillian.

"You're kind Cilly. " I replied with a smile.

He was still in normal clothes since he wasn't shooting today. "No really. " He said.

"Well what're you doing here.. I thought it was your day off" I asked him. "It wasn't really a day off.. I mean I just wasn't filming today. Why.. Aren't you happy to see me? " He asked with a cheeky grin.

"Huh it's nothing like that.. I was just asking. " I replied blushing a little.

"I'm just messing with you. " He said.

We both got into my trailer only to find no one there. I guess Joey was in Daniel's trailer getting him ready for the next scene. My clothes were laid out already.

"Hey sit here and pour yourself something while I get changed. " I said to Cillian.

"Sure" He said.

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